I went to Dr. Iannuccci. Was sent to the practice for possible Downs syndrome result from blood test. The office was great, staff and Doctors friendly, supportive and informative. Started going to them around 17-18 wks and continued to see them until the very end as well as my regular OB. They determined through ultra sounds there was no significant signs of downs. As my pregnancy progressed, I was considered high risk for other reasons, my weight, fetal growth, ^BP and so on. I saw more than one Dr in the practice and it was the MFM doctors that, thankfully, listened to me and decided it was best for me and the baby to deliver at 38 wks in stead of waiting. She was born at 10lb 6 oz and 20 inches, no downs syndrome.
I went to the practice at CDH and had 3 of my 4 children there. Love the hospital as well.
Congratulations and I hope for a happy, healthy pregnancy and baby.