My son did this too when my daughter was first born. It was a jealousy thing. I just told him that that was for babies and offer him something else
My son is 3 months old my daughter is 2
I'm nursing my son and my daughter is trying to nurse from me. How do I tell her no without making this seem like a bad thing? I don't want her to think what I'm doing is bad or make her feel left out.
I nursed my daughter for a year doing the same for my son.. HELP
My son did this too when my daughter was first born. It was a jealousy thing. I just told him that that was for babies and offer him something else
hi M., ive heard the same thing the other mama said, about just letting her try it and that will probably be the end of it. i didnt try that myself, when my son had asked me a couple of times, the first couple of times i just said ok, when im done, and then distracted him, and he forgot about it. he asked again another time, and i just told him that mamas milk is for babies, and since he is such a big boy now, he gets to have big boy milk. that pretty much did it for him. she probably doesnt really want to nurse, she is just jealous of the time and cuddling the baby is getting, give her some special big girl treats or gifts or time or whatever, something it is clear that the baby cant have because he isnt big like her. it also helps to have a couple of special things just for her that she gets to play with/read/listen to/eat/whatever only while you are nursing, then its a special time for her too. and make sure that youre giving her one-on-one time with you, so hard right now, i know, but even just a little special time alone with you will help, and cuddle her up :) hth, D.
I went throught his with my girls too. I pointed out that big kids drink from cups and my little smarty said " then squirt some into a cup!"
So...........I did,lol. We picked one feeding a day and she got some in a cup, after about a month she forgot to ask and we were done. I figured it's good for her so why not and she liked sharing with her sister.
I nursed my son until I was a few months pregnant with my daughter, so I was worried that he'd want to nurse again too when he saw me nursing her. When the time came, I just told him that he's a big boy now and is so lucky cause he gets to drink out of a cup etc and that when he was a baby he nursed and now it's 'our' baby's turn etc. Good luck!
What I've heard is that because the body makes very different types of milk for newborns than it does for toddlers, older kids don't like the taste of milk made for a newborn. Particularly if your child is used to drinking other things now, she's not going to go for it. So if you let her try, you will have given her the emotional satisfaction of both having the same opportunity for mommy time and being the one to decide against nursing. Plus, whatever little bit she does get will be like a dose of super-nutrition.
Best of luck!
I went through the same type of thing when I had my second.I let my older one try to nurse. He simply looked at me and laughed.He stopped trying shortly after I offered to nurse him to. He did however want to be next to me when ever I fed his brother.
Would it help at all maybe that when mama nurses she has a special baby that she gives a bottle to? I know my daughter likes to feel like she is helping in some way which is what makes her "interested in things". :) Just a thought. :)
Try explaine to her that she is a big sister and big sister dont drink like babies do. Then i would try giveing her something comforting like a cup of warm milk and tell her you made it special for her when you are feeding the little one.
i hope this helps.
Hello M.,
Just because you have two doesn't mean you have to share. I had the same problem. I think your daughter just wants the attention her brother is getting. So what I did, was I said it was BABY food, and distracted her by putting in a movie, making it a snack time for her too, or even asking her to find a book I can read to her and the baby. So she's busy trying to keep the book open for you, and will eventually get bored. I also made it a habit, to play with my toddler right afterwards, and gave her plenty of hugs and kisses. She'll soon realize SHE has to share you, with her new brother. Good Luck! Hope this helps.
Ihaven't tried this myself, but I read it somewhere, so take it for what it's worth. You might consider letting her try to nurse. Most children who have been weaned for so long have kind of forgotten how to do it, and will likely not get anything at all. If she does, it'll be very little, and probably very frustrating. And it will likely not taste very good. Why would she want that, if she can have a sippy cup of real milk, or juice, instead. Sounds weird, but it just might work...
hi, i myself haven't gone through this, but a few yrs back, a friend of mine had a baby boy, and 3 yr old daughter, and her daughter was always trying to breast feed too. so she started off with just telling her no, this is for your brother, not you, and gave her a cup and said, this is yours, it's the same thing, only a cup is for a big girl...and it took about 2 weeks. but it did work...hopefully it will be of some help to you.