Dear B.,
I know of your pain personally and it concerns me to a great degree. My husband and I have been married for 9 years and have two kids, age 7 and age 3.5 days, both girls. We've had our share of relationship challenges, marital issues, financial setbacks, surprises and medical challenges; We've also had our share of learning experiences. One of those experiences has taught ME that I cannot be forced/shown how anyone else feels and get it quite right. Neither can my husband!! When I have felt discouraged or over challenged in my duties as a wife and mother, I remember that when our first was little, he watched her and honestly, he did it better than I did. Granted, there were still things that he didn't do, but when I got home from work, or from being out with my friends, the house was clean, the baby was taken care of, and he was happy. How he did all that I'll never know or understand, for I fail at it every day it seems.
Having a marriage and children is a challenge that we've accepted to take on, full force, head up and shoulders straight. There will be tough days for sure!!! Being a stay at home mom is VERY tough work. We certainly don't get any monetary gain from it, and the emotional rewards can seem very few. Give yourself a break and get a good book, or a babysitter and get your hair done. When hubby gets home, put on a smile and be happy to see him. He'll be more open to helping out more with the kids. He is your knight in shining armor and has been out battling the financial challenges of the day by providing for your home and children. THAT is his job, the job he was born to do, the only job he'll understand completely. Give him a break, cut him some slack and enjoy the time you do have together.
You may need a break from the kids too. Ask him if he would watch them for a weekend while you go out and have some fun with friends, sisters, or your mom. But beware the evil of him doing a better job than you! ;) It may bite you in the rear like it does me!
Hope that wasn't too much to read and digest in one sitting. Your request called to me.
Take care, or YOU, then KIDS, then Husband (well, unless he thinks he's dieing of not getting enough attention...)
But you first. If you don't have any water in your bucket, you can't fill another's!!!