I usually have a basic list for each day. I used to have 10 things for each day. Then when we adopted my oldest, it went down to 5 things a day. Then we had my daughter, it went down to 3 things a day. My goals each day are to run a load of dishes in the dishwasher, run a load of clothes in the wash, and fix dinner. On the days that both kids are in preschool (M-W-F), I do errands, pick up the house and vacuum, and other odds and ends that need to be done. Since my son is almost 5, we have him clean up his room about once a week. My 2 yo DD is pretty good at wanting to help clean, so while brother is cleaning his room, she helps me pick up her room.
DH handles all the out of the house stuff (pool, lawn, trash, etc.). And I ask him to clean the guest bathroom twice a month. He will also help pick up the living room when we have guests coming over and will do a load of dishes about once a week if I ask him.
I do my grocery shopping once a week with my bestfriend. We usually go on Thursday nights and have dinner then do our shopping. We have fun, get some time away from the kids and hubby and also get an essential chore done while having fun!
I get up around 630am and check my emails before the kids get up. DH volunteered to get up with the kids in the morning, feed them breakfast, and he will get my son dressed before he leaves for work. He felt like he never got good time with the kids during the week because of work, so he figured the hour or so in the morning was his best shot at it.
But honestly, this routine didn't start to really work until my daughter was about a year old. Before that I was breastfeeding and she was so needy just because of her age. So for now, I suggest setting a goal of 1 or 2 chores/goals a day. Then as your baby gets older, add on a few more.
My dining room area and my room are always a mess. There is always laundry and dishes to do, even if I do a load everyday. There are always things to be put away and to get done. So I tackle what I can..but spend most of my day with my kids doing things with them. In the big picture, does it really matter if the house is a little disorganized when your kids got to spend that extra 30 minutes laughing and doing something fun with you? Know what I mean? So just take one day at a time. As they get older, keeping things in order gets better and easier.