"Help" with Sunscreen Stains on Clothing

Updated on July 20, 2010
A.P. asks from Interlochen, MI
8 answers

I have about had it with sunscreen and my families clothes. The problem I am having is everytime we go out in the sun and apply sunscreen, our clothes get this awful yellow/orange stains on them. We have hard water and a softener, but it doesn't seem to matter what sunscreen I use or what stain remover I use it doesn't help. I have also tried the works which was suggested on another site, but that didn't help either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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answers from Detroit on

Sounds familiar. We also have this issue, and we have city hookup and no softener. I have found that is you scrub spray 'n wash into the stains they sometimes come out, but overall we haven't had great luck. Really irritating. Would love advice on this as well!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Ok, so a few of things:

1. We use Devita Solar Body Block which is zinc oxide and shea butter, basically. It's super natural and works. I figure if it's staining your clothes, then I'd be wondering what it's doing to your skin!


2. We do not use sunscreen every time we go outside. We limit our kid's exposure in the sun, use hats, etc and we definitely are not in the sun at the hottest or the most UV-exposing time of the day. Our bodies make vitamin D from being in the sun, so instead of buying vitamin D, get it from the sun! Less sunscreen and more vitamin D from the sun equals more money in your pocket. Europe has said this for years, but here's a recent article on sunscreen:

Can Your Sunscreen Cause Skin Cancer?
By Kate Schweitzer

3. I use Spray N Wash Dual Power and it takes EVERYTHING out.

Good luck!

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answers from Indianapolis on

The best way to treat a stain is to find out what kind of stain it is (e.g. grease, protein, fat, dye).

I have a few that will absolutely NOT come out of our kids' clothes despite being relatively simple (chocolate).

For grease, the best suggestion I've heard and used is dish soap on the stain or something like Goo Gone.
For protein, hydrogen peroxide is often most effective (though it can have bleaching properties)

The Queen of Clean is a great site, but I HATE that she charges for advice. So, if you're willing to cough-up $3 for her advice, you will likely be able to save your clothes.

Don't shy away from contacting the manufacturer of the sunscreen via their 800 number either and ask why the sunscreen is staining the clothing. They may have had similar issues and may have a simple, free solution.

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answers from Gainesville on

So that's what got on my white shirt! I totally sympathize! I'll be waiting to see what others have to offer as well. :)

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answers from Detroit on

Before you wash the clothes put some baby powder on the grease stain. the powder will adsorb the grease and you wash as normal!

Good Luck!

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answers from South Bend on

Try 'Greased Lightning'. It's a great all-purpose household/laundry cleaner. I use it mainly for laundry though. Most sunscreen is oil based, and this stuff is awesome at getting out any oil/grease based stains. You may have to apply it more than once if it doesn't come out the first time. And be sure to read the use instructions on the bottle...if you let it sit too long on the clothes, it can discolor it. A few hours is fine, but usually not recommended for overnight pre-treating. You may have to test the color-fastedness of the clothing. But seriously, GREAT product! It is usually sold in the cleaning section of most major retailers. Also can be found at Lowe's & Home Depot. Not too expensive either! Good luck.

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answers from Detroit on

from coopertone is baby something 50 try that its white n doesn't stain for your stains try iron out

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answers from Jackson on

Spray white distilled vinegar on the stains and they will disappear. My cousin discovered this, and says it works on fresh stains as well as stains that have been washed and dried.
Happy laundering!

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