Help with One Year Old - Has Only Two Teeths

Updated on July 11, 2007
A.V. asks from Streamwood, IL
14 answers

I wanted to know if its normal for a 13 month old to have only two front teeth's. He got them two months ago and nothing after that. Although he has been showing symptoms of teething for a long time nothing is happening. I cannot feed him normal food because of this. He has been staying sick a lot with cough and cold as such we are giving him Flovent and Xophenex. I heard the Flovent could cause growth issues. Has anyone dealt with something like this? Except this everything else seems fine.

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answers from Chicago on

That is totally normal. Several of my friends had their children cut their first teeth after a year old. Don't worry!

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answers from Chicago on

My son did the same thing - the first two teeth came at 11 Months and then nothing til 15 months. My son was eating solid food at 9 months though. Which included chicken breast, steak, ground beef, cherrio's, etc. He hated jar food after stage one so I had no choice there.

Their gums are pretty hard and can mash things quite well. Just cut them into tiny pieces. I have no experience with Flovent or Xophenex.



answers from Chicago on

My son didn't get his first tooth until 13 months. He's 18 months and has 7 teeth. They say that the longer the teeth take to come in, the better. The teeth are not apt to be exposed to sugars and the elements. I personally think they just say that to moms whose kids don't have teeth at a year old! No worries, completely normal for teeth to come in late. My dr. said they wouldn't even look at his teeth until he was 18 months with no teeth. So stock up on Tylenol and teething tablets b/c the later the teeth come in, I think the crankier the kiddo. Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

This is totally normal. When my daughter turned one she only had one tooth. Now at 15 months she has 5 (going on 6). Yes, they all came in at once and it was hard for her but she is doing great.

Don't worry.


answers from Chicago on

If your son is premature, this can cause a delay in teething. But by no means is it a bad thing he only has two teeth. If you are really concerned, go to a pediatric dentist for an examination. My daughter only has two teeth and two more teeth JUST started to poke through. My son has four teeth with two more on the way. My son is a much better chewer than my daughter... go figure. Our dentist said it is perfectly fine they only have 2-4 teeth especially since they were premmature. Their gums are fine and we should have nothing to worry about so I am sure it is the same case with you. I am not familiar with Flovent... but this might be a good reason to contact a dentist about it and\or further question your pediatrician. Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

Seems like he's a late teether. My daughter didn't get her first tooth until she was 15 months old. Some kids are late in getting teeth in. I wouldn't worry about it.



answers from Chicago on

Regarding the Flovent, is this a steriod for asthma? If yes, my daughter was on Pulmacort and another oral steroid (Orapred) and they do say steriods can stunt their growth however, this is only if used for a long period of time. I was told that they generally catch up again when no longer on the steroid and was told not to worry. My daughter is 3 1/2 now and is no longer on the steroids and no longer having asthma type issues. I don't think the drug would have any bearing on amount of teeth he/she has.
Regarding the teeth, it is very frustrating when children don't eat well. I have a 1 year old that just started getting teeth at about 11 months old. She does not like any table food. She just started putting food in her mouth without gagging and throwing up. She also has reflux which is part of the issue and she is extremely picky on her food. So far, I haven't found any table food that she will eat except for soy yogurt. She is also, allergic to milk slightly which limits my options of what to give her. It is extremely frustrating. You just have to keep offering differents foods for them to explore and try and hope they will start eating them. Good Luck!

Mom to two girls (ages 3 1/2 and 1)



answers from Chicago on

It's totally normal, in fact it's better. The longer the teeth are in his head and haven't broken out the longer they are protected from decay.



answers from Chicago on

Your son is still doing better than mine! My boy is 15 months old and JUST cut his first two teeth within the last week! My pediatrician said that this is normal...sometimes they're just a little late, and not to worry. Sometimes it's genetic. I'm sorry that I don't know anything about the medications that your son is on.



answers from Chicago on

I would check with the pediatrician that's what they are there for. The good news is that he has two teeth.

You should be able to feed him regular food - he will use his gums to chew. My daughter didn't have that many teeth and my doctor told me not to worry about it because they chew with their gums anyway. He should be able to eat cheerios, bananas, jello, bread eggos, raspberries, blackberries, applesauce, noodles, cheese.

Did the dr. give you the medicine? Does he go to classes or preschool? At this age it is not uncommon to have colds a lot, because they pick up all the germs because they have not yet built up immunity to things.

Hope this helps



answers from Chicago on

Teeth do NOT depend on how developed intellectually and developmentally your son is. Do not worry since I know a lot of children like this and my daughter who's 2 now also did not get all her teeth until she was well over a year (she still hasn't got all, missing one more) and everyone including her doctor comment on how she is so advanced and precocious. I did not think anything of it since she was my first but apparently it is totally unrelated to how slowly she got teeth. Don't worry and if you must, ask your dr.



answers from Chicago on

Not to worry! Our son only had a couple teeth at that age. Now at 2 years, he has almost all of them, but is still teething. Our pediatrician told us that all is well. He said the good news is that he will have less permanent teeth when he learns to ride a bike, so less likely to knock out a permanent tooth! :-)



answers from Chicago on

I wouldn't worry too much. My daughter cut her first tooth right before her 1st birthday. By 13 months she had 2 and may have been working on a third. Our pediatrician said they are all so different and if there were none by about 2 she would worry, but there is a lot of variation. They can still eat regular food, since the gums are very hard and they use those for chewing. Mine was eating all kinds of veggies and meat with no molars, and, although it drove my mom nuts, she did just fine!



answers from Chicago on

Hi. Don't worry. My youngest son didn't get his teeth at all until he was 13 months old. He had NO It was like a flood gate opened at 14 months and all of them started coming in at one time. Just relax. ENJOY the quite

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