HELP! PCOS Side Effects Are Driving Me Nuts!

Updated on February 09, 2009
C.S. asks from Honeoye, NY
11 answers

Hello Ladies - I need your help.

My husband and I have been trying on and off to have our first baby for about 1.5 years, and so far all I've had is 3 miscarriages. I was diagnosed with PCOS while in college, and I've been trying to deal with it ever since. My problem right now isn't actually conception since we decided to take a break from "actively" trying for a little while. My problem is that because of the side effects I don't want my husband looking at me, much less touching me, and I'm afraid that will hinder our progress even further.

I went undiagnosed for 2 years and gained a lot of weight that I'm slowly losing (I'm a type II diabetic - another side effect) but my main problem is the hair growth! I had fairly thick hair on my arms and legs but it was lighter colored but now its course and black. Not only that, but I grew sideburns, dark hair on my upper lip, on and under my chin, and now I noticed a few hairs on my chest! I can't take this anymore! I've tried waxing, bleaching, plucking, and nothing has helped. I just keep growing more hair that is thicker and darker with every passing day it seems.

Has anyone else out there dealt with this issue? What helped - natural remedies are always welcome, but as my testosterone levels are through the roof I think I might have to go on medication. Anyone find one that really worked for them? Thanks in advance ladies, I appreciate any advice you have to offer!

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answers from Binghamton on

Hi C.,
I know the frustrations. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was twenty. I'm now a 31 year old sahm to a 10 month old. I did not have the side effect of growing hair. I'm sorry I don't know advice for that. I do know the gaining weight. When I was diagnosed no one told me anything about pcos and what I should do or avoid. I went to Florida and gained 50lbs in one week. Not overeating either. Just not eating properly for pcos. Carbs are very bad. They will make us gain 4x more weight than anyone else. I've had my ups and downs with the weight. Of course it comes on super easy but doesn't come off. I found something like Atkins diets work. Anything that you limit your bad carbs. Lots of Water and excercise are also important. I tried having a baby for 4 years. I know the heartache of not being able to. You just have to keep faith and pray. All the reading I've done shows diet and excercise help. It helped for me. I actually even keep a regular menstrual period now. I took clomid for months. Never worked. I ended up having surgery because I had extra scar tissue. One of the cysts had ruptured and I had surgery. I got pregnant immediately after that. I was surprised. I never thought after trying for so long I could get surprised when it happened.
I know this wasn't your question but I'll also say. I spent years just wanting a baby so bad. I have my son and it is so wonderful but I never thought about all that is involved. You are needed 24/7. It is a wonderful feeling I just wish I had spent some of that time thinking about it and trying to prepare myself a little. Also have fun and do stuff for yourself. We just took a vacation and I found out Mommies don't get vacations. So to keep youself occupied while your trying treat yourself. Good Luck. It will work out.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from New York on

Hi C.. I really feel for you--my sister and I both have PCOS, and have had those same side effects (I actually asked a doctor at one point if I was turning into a man!) Sounds like what you REALLY need is a good reproductive endocrinologist (RE). I say that because I went to a number of doctors (including gynecologists and endocrinologists) and they all missed the diagnosis. But then the RE caught it. This was a few years back--he put me on metformin/glucophage, and I saw a HUGE difference pretty quickly. My cycles came back, I was able to lose the weight with a combination of diet and exercise (with the drug's help) and I got so much energy back--more than I even realized I'd lost.

I don't know much about natural remedies, but I wish I did. I've heard you have to eliminate all white flour and sugar, but I don't know if that's true. Check out if you haven't already--it's a great resource for info and support. And if you want the name of my RE, who specializes in PCOS, let me know. He's in Reading, PA. But let me tell you, when I moved to Houston for awhile, I continued to see him because he is THAT good!

You really need to get this taken care of, not just for the side effects, but for your health. As you probably know, PCOS, if left untreated, can lead to other medical problems in later life. And as far as conception goes, take heart--I'm now pregnant with baby #2, and my sister is pregnant with baby #5. So there's plenty of hope!

Good luck and best wishes. Send me a message if you have any questions about any of this, or need more info!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from New York on

Hi C.,

I have PCOS as well. Years ago, before laser, electrolysis was really the only way to get rid of unwanted hair. I used electrolysis for years and have to say it was highly effective. I don't have any personal experience with laser hair removal but you may want to look into that as well. I did try one medication spiranilactone (sp?) but it did not seem to help with the hair. I know exactly how you feel. Best of luck



answers from New York on

Find a specialist in your area... there has to be something that can help you. Ask your reg. dr. for help in finding a good dr. to help you out.
As for the baby trying.. good luck. I had a few miscarraiges.. and finally gave up... I couldn't take another misss... We finally adopted thru Holt International - check them out on line.. we have two wonderful, beautiful children from Korea.. they are healthy, smart, loving... and our children. I love them more that anything.. my son took 9 months of paperwork.. and then we got him.. he was only 2 mo. old.. my daughter - a year of paperwork... she was 6 months when we got her... they are the loves of my life.. and my hubby too. good luck.. if you ever decide to look into adoption... Holt is great... and good luck witht he other stuff too... there is a dr. out their that can help you...



answers from New York on

My best froend has PCOS (and is pregnant with baby #2 - needed a little help from an RE but otherwise had great pregnancies). She was an electrolicist and was part of many PCOS support groups in NYC. Have you tried to find any of them through Google or Yahoo? I bet you'll find a group that has lots of great advice for you (not only on pregnancy and hair but on good doctors to see as well).

Good luck - I'm sure you'll be pregnant and somewhat hair-free in no time.



answers from New York on

I feel your pain. I have nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia which means that my excess testosterone comes from my adrenal glands. The condition is often misdiagnosed as PCOS and it can cause PCOS as well. Fun. Still, testosterone is testosterone regardless of the gland that secretes it and the result in women is body hair. The following discussion might help:

I agree with all the other posters who suggest that you should see an endocrinologist. Look for one who specializes in androgen excess disorders in women such as PCOS and NCAH. In fact, if you contact the Cares Foundation (see the link) they should be able to refer you to one.

As for dealing with the excess hair, permanent removal methods are the only way to go. Laser for large areas and electrolysis for precision work (between the eyebrows, random hairs on neck and chest, etc.). If you're in the NY area, I'd be happy to recommend my electrologist -- please email me. As for laser, it's expensive but your self-esteem is worth it. Ask the androgen-excess endocrinologist for a recommendation. After seeing scores of hirsute women, he or she will know who to refer you to.

Natural remedies: never heard of one that could work. As for meds, I was prescribed spironolactone years ago, long before I was diagnosed with NCAH. Did nothing for me. Basically, once the follicles have been activated by testosterone, the only way to get rid of the hair is by killing off the follicles.



answers from Syracuse on

I have PCOS as well. Have you been to an endocronologist? I was just told after having for years myself that insulin is a cause of having PCOS. Now it can't be reversed. I was borderline diabetic now I am on meds to help it. The hair you would have to talk about taking sprolactone? I have takien that before but i don't know with your diabetic meds. I have hair issues as well. I have talked to people who take hair out about stuff like that and it my be hard for people like us for it to take affect or make it affective. I am going to a demo in a couple of months if you get info before lucky you. I am going to talk about it because it is very embarassing.



answers from Albany on

I know that wheat germ oil has helped people. My advice is to see a medical nutritionist!



answers from New York on

Hi C.,
I have PCOS too. If you live in CT, I have a terrific reproductive endocrinologist (RE)in Stamford. She is wonderful and helped me with concieving my 2nd. I am currently taking Metoformin and will most likely be for the rest of my life. I saw a HUGE difference when I began taking it - my cycles came back, I was able to lose weight with a combination of diet and exercise (while being on the meds). Of course, I am back to weight watchers since I never lost the weight from my 2nd (my fault, not PCOS!). I am beginning to see the weight come off now - and it feels great. Tried with out the meds for a while, and it just wasn't the same. Regarding the hair issue, a friend of mine (who has PCOS) has had success with Vanquia. I have minor issues and just go to an electrologist.

I'm with Amanda on checking out It is a wonderful resource for us and will give you a lot of info and support. Good luck and best wishes. Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions about anything.

Take care,



answers from New York on

a freind of mine has or had pcos she went 2 fertility specialist & acupunture got pregnant w/ twins thru invtro.
after delivery seems 2 b better reg. periods hormones seem 2 b better.
i heard some people go on the pill or lose weight & get better. u really need 2 find a good doc
hope u get better



answers from New York on

I can't honestly say that I know what PCOS is. But have you thought about laser hair removal. It's not cheap, but it's not outrageously expensive either.'s permanent. It actually kills the hair folical so that the hair no longer grows. It might be worth a shot.

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