BELIEVE THIS OR NOT......MY SON JUST STARTED DOING THIS ABOUT 1-2 MONTHS AGO.....He is 4 1/2. I found that his room smelled like pee and then I found wet things.....I thought he was making a mess with water....then I put the 2&2 together and not to mention the stain....and I was devistated!!!! I thought it was just my child!!!!
But, since then.....I think we have officially kicked this peeing in the floor...corner...basket...stuffed animals...etc. I was so tired of it and didn't know why...He said pretty much the same thing....Couldn't make it to the bathroom or I don't know!!!!
The way we got this stopped is to show him the things he is peeing on were the stuffed animal Mamaw bought for you when you were still in my belly!!! And then we told him how we would have to put him back in diapers...or his sister and baby brother....then we wouldn't have a big boy anymore...There would be no big boy of the house!!! Also, all of the other kids that he knows about the same age that were big boys and girls and used the bathroom!!! That is where everyone is supposed to pee and poop!!!! We made him help clean it up!!! Also, I told him that if he would quit it for 7 days straight then we would buy him a DVD. One that he had been wanting. So....this worked!!! All of the things together!!!! Since we bought the PRIZE....he has never thought about the peeing anywhere than the potty again.....Just kinda over-look-it(I know this is hard) but don't make a big deal out of it!!! Make him help you clean it up!!!! THIS WORKED FOR US, HOPE IT DOES FOR YOU!!! GOOD LUCK :)