OK--your time frame is very confusing to me--you've been "together" with your BF for almost 3 years and she's known your BF since before she turned 2......
Anyway, A., this next remark isn't aimed at you but all the moms with boyfriends....STOP! Stop leaving your kids with boyfriends! Are you aware what a HUGE percentage of little girls are harmed by the boyfriend's of the moms? Can anyone out there possibly NOT have seen the statistics?
There is a chance, however slim, that you daughter is a very good judge of character and this guy hurts her, bugs her, etc. But now you've got a baby with him too.
I'm sorry, and I'm 99.9% sure I will get flagged for this but mothers need to put them and their kids first and NOT their boyfriends! They need to stop making baby with man after man.....these kids depend on their mothers for love, protection, guidance and example.