Hi L. - what kind of business did you start? Can you post it here for all of us? I always like to support Mom companies, so I would definitely like to know what it is you're selling.
Getting up in search engines is hard (and expensive) - I wouldn't concentrate all your efforts there. Look into swapping banner ads with other companies that have a similar customer base. I have a company that mainly targets working moms with infants-preschoolers. We're just now getting our website up and running - I'd be willing to talk about a banner ad exchange with you (though two newbies on the internet may not help us out). There are many companies that are in the banner exchange market.
Another good way to generate traffic is through bloggers - get your product/website out to these people - they're early adopters, movers and shakers, etc. and can really help drive traffic.
Don't overlook print advertising either. I visit a lot of sites that I see listed in newspapers, magazines, etc.
There are so many other ways to drive traffic to your website other than search engines, so make sure you're looking at a multi-pronged approach in your marketing.
Good luck! S.