Well I am kind'a in the same boat as you. My son is 5 months old and has been sleeping in his crib since he was 3 months old until about 3 weeks ago. Reason it changed is because I desparately tried everyone's advice to make him take his naps in his crib. I let him 'cry it out' for 45 minutes the first day and then an hour the second day on naps and to no avail he refused to take his nap in his crib so I went back to the old way, I'd nap with him in my arms. But since then he refuses to sleep in his crib. I have to put him in his CARSEAT to get him to sleep. I don't believe in the cry it out, never have and totally regret taking everyone's advice on it now. My son is teething too and I've tried the tylenol before bed too. He use to be a great sleeper, 4-6 hours without waking up. So now i'm back to putting him down each night and he'll wake after about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I've been doing this for 2 days again and at 2am I finally put him in his car seat so I can sleep. I do sleep in his room while coaxing him back into bed. So my ADVICE is be patient forget the cry it out, when he wakes or whine, go to him, rub his back or belly, in my case it's his belly, give him his binky, sssshhhh him then after about 10-15 minutes if that doesn't work, check his diaper, feed him, rock him. I know it will happen as I'm going through this myself. Please feel free to email me, ____@____.com, and keep me posted or tell me of what you find to be helpful.