I would say that at 2, your son is starting to get old enough to be reasoned with. Maybe you could explain to him that since he is getting to be such a big boy now, it is time to start giving up baby things such as whining and learn big boy behavior such as patience or taking turns. Many people believe that 2 yr olds don't understand much, and therefore have an excuse for bad behavior....I completely disagree.
I would start with what is the most important issue for you and work from there. Make sure you have the full support and understanding of you entire immediate family because you will surely need their cooperation in this endeavor.
I don't know your son, so I don't know WHAT he is capable of doing/understanding, but I am sure you will learn as you go-if you don't already have a good idea.
Whining has always been something that has REALLY gotten to me, and it must be dealt with differently with different kids depending on their personalities. My parents dealt with it by whining back at my sister and myself, usually whining (in their MOST obnoxious voice) something like "oh, Wendy (Wesley) Whiner, I really don't like it when you talk like that, it gets to be annoying." That tactic did NOT work with my oldest, who is very sensitive and his feelings got hurt the very first time and he cried, nobody wants to make their child cry! With him, all we had to do was sit him down and very calmly explain to him that while he sometimes may need whine a little, it was very hard for us to listen to, and we didn't like it...after a few simple reminders like 'uh oh, it sounds like you may be whining' we didn't have much of a problem. My second was a whole nother story, he is definitely a bonafide WHINER and at 5 we are still dealing with the whining issue, we have talked to him and told him that whining is unacceptable behavior for a big 5 yr old boy, and we will simply not listen to it. When he comes whining into the room about something we just ignore him until he is able to talk in an normal voice, sometimes it takes a while, and is very hard to do. With my daughter (#3, 4 yrs) we seem to have kind of combined the Wendy Whiner thing with the ignoring, and we haven't had too much of a whiner problem with her~even though she IS the princess and definitely gives us the most discipline problems otherwise :) We're still waiting to see how we will have to help #4 get thru the whining phase, who knows what will work for him!
Don't know if this will help or not, but maybe it will at least give you some ideas to try out.