I have used it three times and it works. Now that you are basically full term try this... drink orange juice and 2 tbsp of castor oil, have sex and walk a mile or two. I did it without the sex put it worked for me. Good luck! I feel for you!
i am 38 and a half weeks pregnant and am miserable. it is so hot and i have trouble sleeping either because i cant get comfortable or feel like i have to pee constantly. i have tried everything that my friends and family have recommended except for caster oil. i was wondering if it really works or if anyone has any other ideas.
Thant you all for all of your advice.Georgia was born August 7th at 12:48 pm. I am really glad she didn't wait any longer she was a whopping 9 lbs 4oz
I have used it three times and it works. Now that you are basically full term try this... drink orange juice and 2 tbsp of castor oil, have sex and walk a mile or two. I did it without the sex put it worked for me. Good luck! I feel for you!
Baby will come when it's ready.taking Castor oil is very dangerous as it can cause the baby to have a bowel movement(meconium) in utero
Have you tried intercourse and nipple stimulation?
Hi, B.. Wow..you have your hands (and belly) full! I am currently 30 wks. preggers (with a 42 week belly). I do whatever I can to get to a pool whenever possible. Not only does it help to cool me down, it also is great at making me feel less like a cow (weightless). I also eat lots of sugar free popcicles. They taste great and are only 15 calories so I eat like 3 an evening sometimes. Get hooked on ice water. Sprinkle some lemon in it or get a cool cup or water bottle or something to make it more appealing. Most importantly, enlist those 4 older siblings to help you in any way they can. The older ones can help prepare basic meals for the others as well as help to keep them occupied.
Sleeping has become a pain for me too (and I LOVE my sleep). I have solved this by getting myself a snoogle (sp?) from Babies R Us. They are great and SO comfortable. They are kind of expensive (like $55), but they are so worth it. You can use it in lots of ways after you have the baby as well. When the nights get really bad, I take Tylenol PM to help me sleep. Without it, I get up to pee about 6 times/night. With it, I only go about twice.
I've heard some not so great things about castor oil so I, personally, wouldn't try it, but you can go for a walk, swim, have sex, etc. to try to encourage labor. Otherwise, just wait (hard to hear, I know). How soon will your doc induce you? You might want to look into that as well. If your baby is ready (should be at 38 1/2 wks.) and you are miserable, they should be able to consider induction. Just thoughts. Hope this helps.
I have heard that castor oil does nothing more than produce terrible intestinal cramps that make you want to curl up in a ball and cry and nothing else. Try raspberry leaf tea (check the raspberry teas before you buy one to make sure it actually has raspberry leaves in it). Make it as strong as you can handle it. Also, maybe burn some sage... I personally hate the smell of sage, but I know you have to avoid it during early pregnancy because it can start preterm labor.
I feel your pain and am going through the same thing at 36 weeks. I have tried Tylenol PM and that helps a little, but I also prop pillows in between my legs and that sort of helps as well. Do your have A/C and a fan? Anyway, I think that this is someone's way of preparing us for not a lot of sleep soon.
Best wishes!
My experience with castor oil was a bad one. I have friends though that swear it helped them. It was actually my doctor who told me to take some castor oil. I was already having contractions, but was not dilating and the contractions weren't all that regular. My doctor thought castor oil would help. I went to the hospital (after many hours at home having contractions - regularly) and they finally sent me home because I was not dilating any more (I was over 40 weeks at that time). What I've learned since from a "scientific" point of view is that castor oil irritates your uterus (and other organs in that region of your body), so it can help the uterus continue to contract (if you are already contracting). However, it does NOT bring on labor. So in my case, it was just irritating really - not helpful at all. (The nurses at the hospital couldn't believe my doctor told me to do that!). Babies come when they are ready basically! God bless you though - I hope your delivery goes well.
There are serveral old wives tales that may help get things going. Of course the obvious: walking and sex. Something that my midwife told me about when I was pregnant was nipple stimulation (you can use the breastfeeding nipple ointment...that will also help get them ready for the hungry baby) and primrose oil capsules. You can get the latter at health food stores or in the vitamin aisle at the grocery store. They are gel filled caplets. Poke a hole in a few of them using a needle or safety pin and insert them into the vagina. The oil is supposed to help the cervix soften. I've also heard eating eggplant parmesan can help get things going. Good luck!!
Hey B.,
I agree...don't try the Castor oil. It can cause fetal distress on the baby and cause them to poop the meconium (sp?) in your uterus, which can be very dangerous for your baby! What worked for me, I delivered at 38.5 weeks. Walking and sex did it for me. It didn't put me into labor exactly, but it did dilate and thin out my cervix. I had a doctors appointment the day before I had my son. I was so "ready" (3 cm dilated, 70% thinned), when the doctor checked me, she broke my water by accident. Next time you go back to your health care provider, have them either strip your membranes and just "check" you really good. Maybe you might get lucky like me!
Have you tried fresh pineapple? I ate a whole one the day before I went into labor. Also walking a lot. I walked 5 miles the day before I went into labor. I would walk 1 and rest and do it again. The day I went into labor I had some spicy hot chicken. I also drank tea made of cinnamon sticks and rasberry tea. I guess I tried everything too but I think the walking is the best thing. Good luck!
The best thing to do is just relax and try to rest right now. None of those home remedies are going to work unless the baby is ready to come out. Taking castor oil is only going to result in cramps and a bad night on the toilet for you if your baby is not ready to come out. You're just going to wear yourself out if you keep trying to get the baby to come.
My son was quite overdue (43 weeks) and nothing I tried to initiate labor seemed to work outright. Trust me- I tried just about everything. The last thing I did try, upon recommendation of my Thai friend, was to eat eggplant. According to her, that will bring on labor. I did go into labor about 18 hours later, however, I think it was a complete coincidence. Eating a little eggplant never hurt anyone, so give it a go. If it works, let us know!
Try to enjoy your rest now, as miserable as it may be. It will be a thing of the past very soon!
I tried walking and drinking castor oil when I was pregnant. The walking helped to ease some discomfort but did not put me in labor...the castor oil was disgusting and also did not put me in labor. The best advise I was given was from a good christian lady that stopped me at the mall while I was walking and said "If you really want to have this baby then pray..God answers prayer" I prayed very sincerely on a Sunday night and on Monday morning I was in labor. The downside to that was I did not have him until 3 p.m. on Tuesday!! God answers prayers but it is still in His time.
Good Luck!!
>>>A little about me:
I am a 23 year old stay at home mom with soon to be 5 kids(2 stepsons 10 & 9,and 2 girls 4 & 3) married to my wonderful husband of 2 years and eagerly waiting our first child together. (Georgia due august 9th)<<<
I just wanted to comment on your soon to be daughter's name. Its beautiful! My teenage daughter just told me a few days ago that when she is grown and has a daughter she wants to name her Georgia because she loves the name. :)
for one you can ask your doctor to strip your membranes since you are that far along. 99% of the time after you have that done you will have the baby in less than 48 hours. My sister had it done and her contractions started within hours of it. Good luck!
Walk and walk and then walk some more! Gravity is your best friend right now! I agree the castor oil is not a good idea. I tried all the tricks -- spicy food, etc. But the walking is what did it for me. When I checked into the hospital in labor, they sent me out to walk for an hour to get things moving along faster. It will happen soon and you'll quickly forget all of your current misery ;) Good luck to you and I hope it goes well!