Agree with privious poster, contact Harris Hosp. Breatfeeding Center-you can talk to a specialist for free over the phone or a walk in but if you make an appointment for real one-on-one, there is a fee. However, if you are real concerned, the appointment is WELL worth the money (I think it was around $50 or so) and SOOOOOOOOOOOO informative. They actually watch you feed your baby and weigh your baby before and after the feeding to know how much he/she consumed! And they offer a great large packet of wonderful information and suggestions about nursing! They also have a toll-free phone number you can ask for if it is long distance for you!
Don't get too frustrated quickly and be kind to yourself-it takes a while to get in a goove. And just by you nursing, you are doing the best thing for her! I nursed 2 and both were different nursers and, though I had little problems, I too was still not at ease until a good 6 weeks to 2.5 mos. It is just hard to know with any baby how you are doing early on since they are all different and what is normal with one may not be with the next!
You can also find help from other Lactation consultants in the area or LaLeche League. But give yourself time and relax. And teething can cause changes and pulling, so don't rule that out either-my son got his first tooth at 3 mos. on the dot and was pulling for weeks prior. When that tooth popped threw, it all made sense to me like I saw the trees through the forest!
Best luck and remember you are doing great!