I am an endo sufferer. Endometriosis typically is not found in the areas you have described. The vast majority of the time the pain is in the pelvic region. There are different theories about the cause but a common one is the backflow of blood from the uterus (during your period) out the end of the fallopian tubes and into the peritoneal cavity. It's usually found on the ovaries or uterus. Though it can be found anywhere in the peritoneal cavity (to include the intestines, liver, etc.). It has been found as far away as the lung however for this to occur there had to have been a lesion or hole in the person's diaphragm. Worsening cases involve adhesions. But they all have one common symptom and that is pain. This pain worsens around the woman's cycle. Your hip pain with radiation down your leg sounds like sciatica. In your upper ribcage I'm not sure I'd need a better description of where you are referring to. But ultimately, you need to see your doctor first. Be sure to tell him and point to exactly where the pain is, when it happens & doesn't happen, what makes it worse as well as better, how long it lasts, what type and intensity of pain it is, and how this is affecting your life. That last part tells your doctor how important this is to you to get it identified and fixed. Hope this helps.