Some days are just like this...babies decide to destroy everything in their sight. I've had to put my little one in a time out chair. 1 minute for every year of their age. It works wonders. They have to learn what behaviors are good and bad, otherwise it will get worse as they get older. However I have noticed she gets more wreckless when it gets close to her nap time. In my house, naps are NOT an option. A routine helps and when she goes down for a nap, she doesn't give much (if any) of a problem.
If things get too intense where I feel I am melting down, I put her in a crib and let her play or scream as I take a mommy break. A few minutes later, we can continue the day.
Other things to do:
Get out of the house and go for a walk or drive
Go to a mall or play date
Roll around on the floor and play with them (sometimes they just need attention)
Hang in there!