I had a breast aug. done in 2006 a couple years prior to having my first child. Everyone one is different, but I was surprised by how much LESS painful it was than I expected. Don't get me wrong, the first day is rough and the first couple weeks still challenging but I never even took the narcotics they prescribed for pain. Expect not to lift anything over 5 lbs - that will be the most challenging part considering you are a mom. Reaching for anything overhead will also likely hurt - plan ahead in that respect. Definately have someone do the cooking or order lots of takeout -- moving pots & pans is hard for the first week or so.
As the mom now of an 18 month old, if I were to do it today I would just say take the easy road and have much lower expectations for yourself and your daughter. We don't usually watch much tv/videos, but I'd definately indulge yourself and your daughter during times when you need to rest or are really sore - a couple weeks of slacking off won't really have long term affects. Calm activities like reading books, coloring, and even dress-up are doable. Lifting her in and out of her crib will be very hard to do - try to work it so you don't have to do that. Maybe if you're alone for naptime, instead of having her nap in her crib she could nap with you in a big chair or in your bed.
If you have any specific questions about what to expect send them my way - I'll try to help!