My child was breech and delivered by c-section. It wasn't the end of the world in my opinion even though it was clearly not the delivery I had envisioned. I discussed all of my options with my doctor. The options I were offered: external version (where they physically rotate the baby), chiropractic care, tilting your body while massaging your belly to encourage rotation, music and/or light on your belly to encourage rotation, sitting in warm water to your hips with something cold on the top of your belly, and acupuncture. He said other doctors and/or midwives might be willing to try delivering a breech baby but it was against his affliated hospital's policy. I wasn't willing to change doctors that late in the game so I tried his suggestions.
My doctor did not want to perform an external version. He said if I insisted, he would insist it be done in a hospital setting in case an emergency arose during the procedure. His experience was not favorable for the procedure so he was not a strong supporter. He said patients told him the procedure was uncomfortable at best and painful at worst, depending on the person's pain tolerance. I did try all of the other options except the acupuncture. I couldn't bring myself to try acupuncture. My friend had success with acupuncture with her breech baby, though.
The chiropractor I used specialized in pregnant women. She had specific procedures to help turn the baby but she said her success rate was about 85%. She said some babies just don't get with the program. I will say her procedures really helped with my back pain towards the end but did not turn the baby. I tried tilting myself on an ironing board but there tons of other options. Google it and you'll see what I mean. The light and music were also attempted. Also I spent several nights in the bathtub in hip deep warm water with cold peas on the top of my stomach. Other than feeling like Bugs Bunny in the stew pot, it was only good for a few laughs. I tried everything all at once during the last few weeks of my pregnancy but my son simply refused to budge. Since I was carrying a known breech baby, I had to schedule a c-section and that was that. Whatever route you go, inform yourself and many well wishes.