What do you say is in regards as to what do you say to this mom that is in hell, what do you say to the siblings, to the dad, what do you say means "I'm so sorry for your loss" is a meaningless phrase that is often something the family gets tired of hearing over and over and over. What do you say Means "What do you say to this friend that is going through something so horrible that you can't understand what they're going through".
This is so hard. One of my best friends lost her grandson to SIDS. It's horrible for the family.
Not to be gross or mean, don't read this paragraph if you don't want to know what happens to that baby. The parents are suspect in that child's death. They send the baby off for an autopsy to see if there is ANY sign it was abused in any way. If there is a bruise on it's brain, if the neck looks like it's been hurt, if the baby was suffocated, etc...when it's little body comes back to the family, after they've been cleared of criminal suspicion, that baby comes home with staples or stitches holding the head together. They have to bury it with a hat one. They had to go in and look at it's brain and weigh it and check it thoroughly.
It's very very hard for the parents to go through all that and to see their little baby looking like that. The funeral home can only do so much.
Please know she might never be able to look at that child again. She might net be able to see her child in that condition. Can you really blame her? I can't. Th
My friend's grandson that passed at 5 weeks had RSV. They had taken the baby to the doc the day before because it was so sick. She nursed the baby and laid it down right by her leg to change the TV channel and her baby was gone. He took a breath and died.
There wasn't anything the ambulance could do either. They were there within 3 minutes.
As hard as you can imagine it being, it's a thousand times worse. Please let her handle this her way. If she is to the point of harming herself or something that bad then she needs to seen by her doc. It might not be a bad idea for her to do some antidepressants too. They'll help her cope but won't lessen the pain and grieving. They'll keep her safer while she mourns.
I'm so sorry for their loss and experience.