I took them with my second son and he will be three in June. I hope that this pregnancy is successful!! I had a miscarriage a year ago in January so I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts you way!
i am 5 weeks, 2 days pregnant with what will hopefully be my 3rd child. this is my 5th pregnancy, i have 2 little boys and i lost 2 pgs around 9 weeks. i started progesterone suppositories last night b/c my ob called me yesterday and said that my prog levels were on the extreme low side of normal(12). i am just wondering if the suppositories have worked for some of you, or if i'd be better of with injections. i'm going to call my ob later this morning, but thought i'd get some "real world" stories from you guys. thanks!
i guess i should add that my second miscarriage was WITH progesterone suppositories, which is why i'm wondering if i'd be better off with the injections in addition to the suppositories...
I took them with my second son and he will be three in June. I hope that this pregnancy is successful!! I had a miscarriage a year ago in January so I am thinking of you and sending positive thoughts you way!
Hey there I have two girls and with both of my pregnancies my progesterone was very low. With both pregnancies my doctor had me take the injections everyday and they worked perfectly fine, I had no problems from that point forward. I of course think that the injections would be much more pleasant and know that they worked for me twice. Also anyone can give you the injections, with my first pregnancy I lived a few blocks from my mother who is an RN and she of course gave them to me, but the second time we lived an hour away but my husband was able to watch my mom once and do it from then on. Hope this helps.
My daughter has used those plus she has to take a baby asprin every day. She usually start all that before she gets pregnant. She goes to her dr. when she is thinking about getting pregnant because her levels are also very low. She has lupus and that seems to do the trick. She also has had miscarriages before she carried two babies.
I used the suppositories when I was preg with my 4 year old. I had to have my levels monitored 2 times a week to make sure they were working. I just had twins 6 months ago and I used the pills. I still had my levels checked twice a week. I liked the pills A LOT better. My levels were higher faster and with the suppositories I had to lay down for a while each time...the pills were just easier and less messy, and I honestly feel like they helped my levels more!
GOOD LUCK!! Keep us updated!
I have used the capsels. For my 4th pregnancy I lost one at 11 weeks and then later that same year I lost one at 9 weeks. The next time I got pregant they gave me those right away and for the next pregnancy too. I have two healthy kids for those pregnancies. I have not used the suppositories though. Good luck!
First of all, I am very sorry about your losses. Having been through it myself, I know how devastating it is.
I was on suppositories and I was one of the rare people who did not respond to them. Most people absorb enough progesterone using the suppositories. My doc did a biopsy while on a test cyle to check my levels. It showed that my progesterone levels weren't where they should be, especially for being on the suppositories. For my next cycle, I did the injections and all went well. They are painful, but not as bad as I expected. My doc prescribed a numbing cream which helped tremendously. Since you had a miscarriage with the progesterone suppositories, I recommend going the injection route. If I get pregnant again, I will be doing the injections again.
My first child was a threatened miscarriage - I started bleeding at week 7 and there was no heartbeat. My progesterone levels were VERY low and the baby was not developing. The doctors at the ER gave me a 30% chance of carrying my baby full-term. I went to my OB - he put me on the progesterone suppositories for 10 weeks and I swear that is the reason that my 4 year old is here today! I would highly recommend them to anyone who has a low level of progesterone. He is my miracle baby - he had no heartbeat until the sonogram we did at 11 weeks! I know it is a pain and messy etc. but at the end of the day if it works - IT IS WORTH IT! Congratulations to you!
In 2003 I also had low levels and had to use the progesterone suppositories. Sadly,my pregnancy ended. Though it was a blighted ovum. Which means it never really took and stopped growing very early on. Still just as depressing as any miscarriage. So,the suppositories really had no chance of helping me. I think they would help a viable pregnancy.Not sure what the difference in injections are.
Iwas lucky enough to get pregnant again in 2004 and delivered a wonderful little boy in 2005. Good luck to you.
I was pregnant in late 1999 with twins after doing IUI thru my Reproductive Endocrinologist. I did 2 progesterone suppositories a day for the first 6 weeks of pregnancy. I did lose the twin at 10.5 weeks but it had a weak heartbeat and I had spotting.
J., I'm so sorry for your losses. I lost three to early miscarriages. MY third miscarriage, I was on Prometrium, but my levels were never checked AFTER I started it. Happily, I'm 28 weeks pregnant now and owe it all to progesterone supplements. Here's what worked for me:
I went to the Reproductive Endocronologist as soon as I knew I was pregnant (5 weeks). My prgesterone was low and they put me on the suppositories 1x per day. a few days later they checked me again and increased the suppositories to 3x per day. I week later they checked me again. There was still not enough improvement, so we started injections daily. I learned to do them myself since my husband was travelling a lot at that time. It wasn't fun, but I'd do it all again to keep my little bun in the oven. After 13 weeks, I got off the suppositories and they checked my levels - they were ok. Two days later I got off the injections and they checked my levels - ok again. So, the second trimester has been a breeze.
My recommendation is to have your progesterone levels checked at least weekly until 9 weeks. My RE liked to see the levels above 30. She also did an ultrasound weekly in the first few weeks to reassure me that things were going ok.
Good luck to you and your little one.
Hi J.,
I feel for you, I also had 2 miscarriages very early in my pregnancies and my doctor gave me progesterone pills to take and it worked and now we have our son who is 6 years old.
Hang in there and Good Luck
I miscarried my first. I took the suppositories with my son and he will three next month. I'm now 33 weeks along with my baby girl and I took the pill with her. As someone else mentioned, the pill is much more convenient and less messy, but the way I feel is that I will do whatever it takes to keep my baby alive! I absolutely believe my pregnancies were sustained because of that progesterone and without it, I'm certain I would have miscarried both of them. Some of us just have bodies that don't produce enough of that hormone, so we just need a little help! Best of luck to you!!
My RE put me on the suppositories when I had a hard time getting pregnant with my first. I used them for my first pg and had no problems. I had to use the pills with my 2nd pg b/c I was sensitive to them for some reason the second time around. I had success with those also.
Just be sure that your dr. monitors your prog. level. If you are not reacting to the supp. then move on to the inj., otherwise you should be fine.