Hate Being in Style. Need Jeans That Are NOT LOW CUT

Updated on February 03, 2011
D.S. asks from Katy, TX
26 answers

I just bought myself some jeans but these were capris and I love my rockies. I dont have $20 a pair to spend on rockies right now. so I bought these capris at a garage sale till I could afford rockies but they are low cut. what brands of jeans can I buy possibly at a garage sale or thrift store that are not low cut I hate my rear to show in jeans I dont want to advertise merchandise that is not for sale so to speak. I am not a real classy person but to me low cuts were made for girls who are advertising the product and dont want to look like a ho. I could find rockies all the timein oklahoma everyone in my town wore them but in houston I cant find them like nobody in houston dresses redneck and I will buy off of ebay if I have to but I need my rockies. or something that isnt low cut that is why I like my rockies they look better on are not low cut and dont look trampy. I dont like the way the jeans now look in the hiney either another reason i like my rockies. to me they make womens rears look like bags of sand. no offense to people who like them they just arent for me.

as jennifer said rockies are high waisted western looking that have no back pockets and long legs. they have really cool styles diffrent from most jeans flaps etc. also cruel girl is the same way and there is another brand wrangler is that way also on some of their jeans. they make old fashoned jeans and western style wranglers also. I would wear any of these jeans and the brand I cant think of right now they have longer legs so they can be worn with boots and dont look like highwaters.and they are wider at the ankle to go over boots easier. like she said they are sold heavily in small rural areas but are built to last cause most people that wear them are farm girls or horse riders and need the durability. they last forever and come in many colors country of course. striped half black half wihite etc. its just a style I take to heavily. they are a little high priced but you can catch them onsale for $30. that is all I like to wear I cant get my lees or anything over boots so I quit buying them. rockies also have a wider belt loop to accomadate western belts you cant get western belts in regular jeans like levis or lees or other brands some brands here I havent tried so i will try them to see if i can get my western belts in them and my boots under them.

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So What Happened?

still looking but to bees mom no offense taken and no offense intended I hate being in style and I dont like the way other jeans wear. I wear bangs in or out of style for personal reasons and have long hair in or out of style for personal reasons I have always hated how jeans fit cause i cant stand my socks to show. and with rockies they dont show. camel toes or not. I am stuck in the 90s and my hairstyle is stuck in the 80s more less and I dont care. its the only style that looks good on me. I do long hair for locks of love. I do bangs cause of my calic and rockies cause i hate not being able to get jeans over my boots or my socks to show. I hate society rules you must dress like a dweeb to look in style. I hated bell bottoms in the 70s and hate them now. i have more important things in life to worry about than wether my jeans are 90s or not. and who can outdress me. :) ps go to okla and tell them they are out of style and they would laugh at you that is all the girls wear. and the latest style is sagging pants but I would rather look like I can afford a belt rather than I cant. i dont like the wholey jeans either why look like your on welfare when you can afford to but jeans in tact. i can go to my closet if i want holey jeans or just razor blade a pair. but I think the holey jeans look trashy and welfarish. and who wants their butt crack to show when they bend down maybe you but not me.

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answers from Kansas City on

I like Old Navy's sweetheart cut. Not too high to cover my belly button, but not so low I feel like people are going to see my underpants.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Would love to know what rockies are. Why don't you either order Rockiesonline or go to Walmart-I bet you the Lee jeans are high rise.

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answers from Houston on

My mom still has all of mine she tells me. What size are you? I think I was a 5 or 7 back in the day.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I wear Levi's. They say on the label that they are super low, but they are not. I never have to worry about my underwear or my butt showing when I bend over, which I love. Good luck on your quest!

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answers from Gainesville on

I have to agree with Trudi Jo. I've never heard of Rockies so I can't say what would be comparable. But "Mom" jeans really do make one looked dated and they really aren't figure flattering. Like she said there are lots of more flattering styles that will keep one covered. You really do have to try on several styles to see what works best with your body type besides the Rockies jeans that you love. Then you'll know what else you like and that fits you well so you have more options. Also, your shirt is usually long enough to cover up as well.

There is *nothing* that could make me slip on a pair or mom jeans except maybe Halloween lol

I believe Lee (I think you can find Lee at K-Mart maybe) also makes jeans that come up higher along with Old Navy and the other brands mentioned. Old Navy has sales from time to time for $20 a pair.

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answers from College Station on

Lee jeans tend to be "high waisted". Some brands have the higher waist, you just need to know what style to get. Old Navy I think is princess (depending on the year). My guess would be to try them on in a thrift store, search for thrift stores that are in the more rural areas (Rockies seem to be a "cowgirl" jean).

Good Luck!

For those of you wondering- Rockies are a brand of jean that is sold in more western type stores- Cavenders, Baskins, etc. They are very high waisted and have no back pockets. They make a ladies behind look nice and are slimming. They are a very western/cowgirl style jean. Very popular in the B/CS area and more rural areas.

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answers from Fort Wayne on

Boy do I feel your pain! I'm short but have a big ol' booty! The low rise jeans in my size just don't have enough material to keep my crack from hanging out. I think that low rise jeans just aren't for everybody.

I bought some Levis at Kohls that aren't low rise. Just look at the tag or the inside of the waist band. It should say what type of rise they are. You want mid to high rise. I kind of feel like I'm wearing "mom jeans" when I wear my Levi's but they cover my muffin top :) LOL!
The ones I have are the Levis perfectly slimming jeans.

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answers from Boca Raton on

I absolutely LOVE Jag jeans . . . a splurge for me at Nordstrom's. They are expensive ($70-$80) so I only buy maybe one pair per year. The great thing is they fit well and they last.

I wonder if they could be found cheaper on E-bay . . . you have me thinking.

I detest low-cut jeans, too, and am hoping they go out of style.

Good luck. I'm going to look for Rockies (never heard of them).

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answers from Austin on

These Lee jeans are at Walmart:

They're Lee, so they're higher in the waist, they're boot cut, so they should fit over your boots, and they have sizes by length (Petite, Medium, and Long), so you should be able to find some that are long enough to fit over your boots.

If you don't really like the "slender stretch," it should be easy enough to find others that are boot cut and sized by length.

Happy shopping!

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answers from San Antonio on

I wear Common Geans from JC Penny. They are more of a mid rise. I have a short torrso to high waisted jeans cut into my rib cage when I sit but the mid rise fit great. They don't gap at the back like someothers do either. They run about $40.00 but they have them on sale quite offten and they always seem to have coupons for further discounts.
I used to wear Rockies way back in high school and don't see them on people to often anymore. I had them in every color you could think of too.

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answers from Atlanta on

Look for LL Bean, Land's End, Eddie Bauer and some Levi's. Old Navy Sweetheart Jeans and Dream Jeans come in versions that are not low cut as well. All the brands listed DO make low cut jeans, but they also specifically make jeans that are higher-waisted. They're around $50 per pair brand new, but if you find them at a thrift store or garage sale, you'll be in good shape. Also check out Lee Jeans at JC Penney and I think Walmart sells them. They have a number of higher waisted styles and are usually fairly inexpensive. Sign up for emails from jcpenney.com, and you'll get TONS of sale and free shipping promo codes. I've also had good luck before with JC Penney St. John's Bay brand. Right now they're having a sale on Lee Jeans -I just saw a pair for $26.99 that are high-waisted: www.jcpenney.com

Also go to TJ Maxx, Marshall's, Nordstrom Rack and Ross Dress for Less if you have any of those near you. I've found lots of jeans at TJ Maxx and Nordstrom rack for $15 -$30 per pair -and the $30 ones are high end brands like Seven and Calvin Klein. They have a lot of trendy low cut pairs, but they also have higher waisted varieties. You may also like "boyfriend jeans" -that's a normal-waisted style with more tapered legs.

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answers from Charlotte on


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answers from Colorado Springs on

I like LL Bean and Ralph Lauren. They fit nicely. I found a like new pair of each at my local thrift shop for less than $5 each. I was thrilled!

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answers from Topeka on

I like the Riders by LEE jeans I have a pair that are either casual or the go outside style the cut isn't low rise it is mid & I bought them at Walmart they have the same @ Kohls but you'll be paying more for them.It is hard to find a good pair of jeans I need short petite styles that are comfortable not skinny.You have to spend a good few hours in finding what styles you like & try them on.

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answers from Dallas on

Well I've been looking myself for a while. I have the same problem with having to pull up my pants all the time!
Not sure if you like Old Navy or not but I love the Sweetheart. They are not too high but not too low either.

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answers from Houston on

I live near The Woodlands and we have several resale/thrift stores around here and I have seen them around here. One store I believe sells them for around $5. I also think I have seen them at the Goodwill store in our area. They have Goodwill stores located all around the Houston area. The ones around here are very nice and clean and you can get really good deals on jeans.

Good luck

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answers from Modesto on

I love Dickies working girl pants. They are so cute and comfy.

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answers from Mansfield on

don't know where to tell you to find what you are looking for but would like to state that I also do not like low cut jeans. Not cute to see someones crack hanging out- no matter age, size, etc. I like lower waisted jeans- hate all things that touch my belly button - but not so low you see my bum everytime i sit down. This is a difficult balance to find.
I say try everything on... try different styles from every brand, etc. Even different sizes in that brand/style until you find what you like. I have found several styles I like in different brands from different places but still try every thing on before I buy- even if I thought it was the same as a pair I have at home. Sometimes it is not!

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answers from Augusta on

I love my Levi's mid rise.

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answers from Chicago on

try Not Your Mom's Jeans ... they are a good brand for the middle ground "soccer mom" who wants style and fit to be appropriate ... sounds like you are their ideal customer.

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answers from San Antonio on

I so agree! I hate low riding jeans/ pants and would love to see them go away. I do not like looking at people's butts and never want mine showing to the general public either!
I buy Lee jeans and pants and capris! I tell everyone about Lee and am hoping the Low cut people get the message. Kohl's carries a great selection of Lee items and usually have good sales so they are not that expensive in the end. They wear forever, so $20 or 24 spent on Lee's will go a long way.

Thx Jennifer for the translation of "rockies" I had no clue and was very confused.

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answers from San Antonio on

I hate the low cut ones too. If my shirt is not super-long, I get cold, and I'm self-conscious about people seeing my underwear if I bend over. LOL I had forgotten all about Rockies--I had some when I lived in Lubbock, and I outgrew them a long time ago. ;)
I wear mostly irregular Lees from the outlet mall. They make a lot of styles now and a lot of the are not low cut, but some of them are. I just try them on until I find ones that are right. I don't know if you have a VF outlet near you--I don't remember if I ever saw one in the Katy outlets. I go to San Marcos.

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answers from Austin on

Please, describe Rockies to us, I've never heard of them

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answers from Philadelphia on

I don't know what Rockies are but will say that most brands sell high waisted nowadays. The high waisted look is really cming back in style again. I happen to prefer lower waisted myself but I am short. When shopping at yardsales, look at the area between the crotch and the button of the pants. It should measure at least 8-10 inches to not be considered low cut. That may help when you can't try something on.

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answers from Houston on

Unlike MOST women on this site I DO know what Rockies are. You do not have to have low cut jeans....but, sister girl...Rockies are camel toes and moose knuckles all rolled into one. You know it...I know it.
Get some jeans that arent "low waisted"....
If you are wearin' Rockies there is ONLY ONE thing to say...."1994 is callin' and they want their jeans back"
I dont say this to offend...its a style that has PASSED....even if YOU think you look good (and you probably do) the stlye has GONE!!! Parachute pants makes everybody look good too...but you dont see that either!!!

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