I don't know anything about your condition, but I recommend going to an acupunturist who specializes in pregnancy or infertility issues. A really good one could really help you. And if you find one who has a degree in Pharmacology, they would also know more about any medication you are taking and what natural things will or will not work for you. I do know several people who have gone to an Acupunturist for many reasons...from migraines to cancer, and even infertility, and it really helped them. Just do your research and know that it won't be cheap unless you have really great insurance. But considering the cost of going the traditinal medical route of infertility or adoption (which are both great if that is where you are led), compared to a more natural HEALING route....it's always less expensive to seek out a Holistic Dr. Also, I read in a Newsweek Magazine a few years ago (written by a Dr.) about infertility. This Dr. believes that most cases on infertility is directly related to the food we eat. Again, not knowing about your condition, I can't recommend something specific...just suggestions that could help you. I'm sure there will other moms with the same issue who will be a great support for you.
Much good fertility energy to you:)
In Peace,
mom of 4, Birth and Parenting Mentor