Hi, if I am reading your message correctly, you are worried tha tyou are pregnant, no? It sounds to me like you oculd have some sort of GI bug or a bladder infection. Do you have even a mild fever? It might also be the flu. I would just go to your GP - they will give you pregnancy test, but they will also test for a bladder infeciton and can give you some heartburn stuff.
I just went to my doctor with similar symptoms. I knew there was no way I pregnant - it would have to be an immaculate conception :) - but I had all the symptoms of nausea, reflux, tiredness, mild cramping, urge to urinate, and spotting. She told me it was probably stress related heartburn and gave me something like prilosec which seems ot be helping. I don't know what is up with me since i have never felt this way. And I don't know if I am over it, but I know I am not pregnant so it can be something else for sure!