Half-birthday Cake Clarification

Updated on August 12, 2013
E.S. asks from Hackettstown, NJ
13 answers

So I just posted about how my husband wanted to celebrate, for the second year in a row, my daughter's half-birthday complete with a cake/singing happy half birthday.

Yes, it's cute and all and he adores her but I kind of thought it was too much and would create expectations.

We do have sweets in our house and I don't "deny" my husband or daughter sweets. As a matter of fact, he lets her have dessert every night. Not a lot but this is why I was pitching my fit.

She now has expectations and I don't want to create more expectations around a half-birthday!

Does this make more sense?

I didn't mean to come off as the sweets police!

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answers from Philadelphia on

We celebrate 1/2 birthdays too although some years we forget. I don't look at it as setting up expectations I think of it as making fun childhood memories for my kids.
Life is so short... Why would you pitch a fit over this? Really, pick you battles.
One thing that has helped me be a better person is to frequently ask myself how fun I am to live with?

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answers from Miami on

ES, I suspect that this is all part and parcel of your husband making his little girl a princess, allowing her to run the household, and pitting him and her against you. I really do feel that you two need family counseling. If you don't get help with this issue, I'm really afraid your marriage is going to be very difficult in the upcoming years, AND that your daughter will end up treating YOU very poorly in her tween and teen years. And her dad will always stand up on her side. She will end up expecting every man in her life to treat her like her daddy does, and regular men will not only be unwilling to do this, but unable. What your husband doesn't understand that he is setting the stage for, is that she won't be able to have a good relationship with a boyfriend or husband.

Please get him to a counselor, a MALE counselor, so that he will listen. Go yourself at first so you feel comfortable with him. Then bring your husband. If your doctor is aware of the scripting problem and how your husband is doting on her with it, allowing her to tell you both what to do in your home, then the ped should know some good counselors to send you to in order to get help...

This is about SO much more than birthday cakes and half-birthdays...

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answers from Louisville on

I think it's cute. We did a 1/2 birthday party when my kiddo was 6 months old complete with 1/2 a cake & 1/2 the number of presents he'd get on his actual birthday. And since his b day is almost immediately after Xmas, he gets a present in the summer for his 1/2 birthday.

I'm confused ... in your other post you said your husband is doing it solely for the sweets. But now you're saying y'all have sweets all the time, so this is something else.

Which is it?

No offense but you sound really uptight. I wonder if you might enjoy your marriage and child more if you chilled out.

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answers from New York on

Have a blast! Hey we celebrated my granddaughters first haircut today! Why not, life is too short not to celebrate. Glad your hubby has dessert!

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answers from San Francisco on

Life is so short. Take every opportunity to celebrate. If he wants to make a tradition to celebrate an un-birthday like the mad hatter in Alice in Wonderland, I think that's cute.

As long as the celebration doesn't cost much more than the price of a small cake and a song, I think it's beautiful.

We have mini celebrations at our house too. We call them "just because" parties and they are great fun.

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answers from Salinas on

This can't REALLY be about the cake. If she already has sweets EVERY night, it can't be about the cake. I almost feel like there is a bit of jealousy going on with how much your husband "adores" and indulges your daughter while allowing you to have very little voice in decisions concerning her. Your family needs some help before things get out of hand. Every family needs help at some point, so it's not a criticism. But you should do something soon.

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answers from Washington DC on

yes, it's silly of your husband. no child needs more than one birthday party per year, and your husband is turning into a monstrously indulgent daddy.
there's just so little chance for this intelligent, nice, imaginative little girl to grow up with a normal sense of self-confidence. the ferocious focus you both put on her, as well as the inability to find common ground in parenting, is a looming disaster.
you both need parenting counseling. you need it now. not because you're bad parents. you're both great loving parents, but that's not enough. she's so small and she's getting yoinked violently back and forth between you.
i'm totally in your camp on this issue, but it doesn't matter who's right or wrong. you'd be better off giving her cake every night if you both agreed on it and weren't constantly battling each other for control.

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answers from Detroit on

I don't think it's a big deal. I mean, if a half birthday included presents and a party I could see drawing the line. But I do a half-birthday for my daughter because it's a chance for her to have a "birthday" at school - her real birthday is in August before school starts so February is her chance to bring treats to school and celebrate with her friends a little, just for fun. Usually we do something that is a special treat, like birthday-cake-flavored rice krispy treats, or a cupcake recipe that is a little out of the ordinary (tie-dye rainbow colored cake, for example). She really is not that spoiled otherwise. But I would wonder if this is more about you and your husband being the same page parenting-wise, rather than about cake.

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answers from Norfolk on

Make it carrot cake and sneak in some carrots/pineapple/nuts with the sweets.

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answers from Tulsa on

As long as you are not going all out and throwing a big half birthday party I don't see the harm in it. It's a cute way to celebrate a milestone, since kids will always tack the "and a half!" to their age proudly when asked. I didn't read the other post so I don't know about the sweets issue...



answers from Los Angeles on

I don't see the big deal.



answers from Oklahoma City on

This is said much better. My grand kids count down the days to their half birthdays. We don't do anything really special but we do acknowledge them. I think we've had cupcakes some times.


answers from Seattle on

While I think it's weird....
My SIL and her whole family celebrate half birthdays. Cake, presents, the whole nine yards.
They have been doing that since her parents were kids and her grandparents did it.
I don't see anything wrong with it.

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