First of all this is not a personal criticism, but the idea of making a date to celebrate a half birthday just for the kind of presents they'll receive seems to be sending a message of materialism. Everyone gets one birthday, your child and perhaps future children you do this with will automatically think they're entitled to things 2 times a year. A precident has been set, what if one year you decide not to do it?
In our current environment, we focus too much on the stuff. I've seen too many birthday parties (my kids are only 6, 4 & 3) where it looks like the parents are trying to one up each other on the size and granduer, they want the perfect invitations, the right place, the right decorations and the list goes on and on. I can't understand it. Likely more than half of the gifts received are played with for a few days and then left forgotten and unwanted not to mention the amount of paper, plastic and food that goes into the garbage after a party.
I would recommend thinking of ways to communicate to your child that they are special and celebrate THEM, not the gifts. On her birthday, fill her room with balloons (just the regular mouth-blown is fine) so that her bedroom floor is filled with balloons when she wakes up. Tell her how glad you are that she was born. Bring out the baby book and show her pictures of when she was a baby.
Here are some other thoughts:
Consider doing birthday parties on milestone birthdays, 1, 5, 10. One of my girlfriends does this. Another family I knew from my son's preschool didn't go to birthday parties. I assume they celebrated within their own family of course, but their kids don't attend other children's parties. Three kids, if each has 5 friends that's 15 parties and 15 gifts. You see it's a slippery slope, once you invite people to a party, they come & give a gift, you will feel obligated to go their party and give gifts. If you feel it is necessary to have a party consider asking guests to NOT bring a gift. I recently read this message on an invitation, "No gifts please, your attendance is gift enough."
Sorry to get on a soap box.
Mother of 3