Hair Help! - Lincoln,NE

Updated on December 26, 2007
C. asks from Lincoln, NE
9 answers

I went to MasterCuts in the Gateway Westfield Shopping Center Today to get a trim. There was only one lady working and lets just say she did not do that well of a job on my hair. She did not even blow dry my hair, when she told me she was done, when my hair was still soaking wet. I went into the bathroom to use the dryer to dry my hair. After 5 minutes of drying my hair, I noticed that one side was longer than the other side. I then went back to have her fix it and I thought it looked better. Wrong! When I went home and began to play with it, I have no idea what she did to it. There are some places that are longer and it does not look right. She even told me that some of my hair looked fine and she did not even cut it. Why Not! That is what I am paying for. Well, now it does not look right at all. I called the place to see if I could speak to a manager and I think I spoke with her. Oh well! She or whoever it was told me they would have her call me back when she gets in. Help! What else should I do? I just wanted to get a simple trim before our christmas pictures, which is Sunday, not a chop! It seems to be that is what she is doing. Please help!

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all of your responses! They mean so much to me. I went back to MasterCuts and told them the situation. I was given one of two options... they are the following...1)Have another associate fix it....2)MasterCuts give me my money back. That was when I stated that I thought they should do both for me. The manager was there and approved the situation. So I did go in at the right time. I got my money back, my hair cut (not sure the way I want, but will have to do with what I have), and she even styled it! Thanks everyone for your responses and your wonderful advice! Thank god my day at MasterCuts is over. Yes! Never going back again! Keep the references coming on where to go for my next hair cut / chop! My so called trim. Thanks for all of the responses ladies!

More Answers



answers from Lincoln on

That is totally ridiculous!! I would go back personally and demand to speak with someone in charge. No matter what, get your money back!! That is just horrible. I was so afraid to get my hair cut because it is really curly and when I say an inch they litterally take 5 or 6. I found a place called En Vogue salon and day spa. It is off of Old Cheney. They are wonderful. It is a little more spendy ($28), but come on your a Mom you deserve atleast a hair cut. I see Jenny Shultz, she listens to exactly what you want and the first time you see her she will take it really slow and make sure she understands what you want. I hope it all works out!

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answers from Fort Wayne on

since they were kind enough to give back your money and cut your hair you could at least give them a chance again , hair grows back and yes there are always new ass. but given they are a business i always give second chances , i have noticed when people wanted thier hair done when i was young they wanted to look like racheal welch , well some will look good and some won't remember you cannot change the face , i tught myself to cut hair so i always do my own , someone always tries tomake me look different but i want to look like me i think i do a good job on my hair and my husbands when hes not moving like a kid lol i am an artist so this helps but i learned a lot when i clip and curled my kids and others for them i have a nack for it ,but i don;t think i would want to cut hair i might get a costomer like you
did they wash your hair first and cut wet



answers from Fort Wayne on

I would just forget about that BAD experiance and get it fixed!! go and see Janine at Styles, Inc. on Lima road and she'll fix you right up!! She does my hair and I love her!!! Tell her S. sent you and she'll take great care of you!
You just have to have some one that you trust! Let me know what you figure out.



answers from Omaha on

First off..sorry you had to go through that! I think most can relate to a bad haircut and the frustration that goes with it! You did the right thing! I'm a stylist, and while I've never botched someone's hair it's good that you told her to her face that she did a crappy job! That's how I'd want to hear it! For future reference...whenever you do go get a cut take a picture. Same with color. And if you can't find a picture, or it's just a trim, show her with you fingers..."this much" or tell her that you don't want it getting cut past a certain point such as "nothing higher than my collar bone." And most importantly, pay attention. Watch exactly what she's doing. I work out of my home and charge $10 bucks for a cut if you ever need a good cut!



answers from Lincoln on

Isn't that toally Murphy's law that this happens right before your pictures!? UGH!! I agree with the response about going above their not-so-well-cut heads to at least get your money back! I see there is one referral for you as well and I'll offer another one...I've had very good luck with Diane at Total Body on 56th & O behind Amigo's...the gals there are great and if you explain what happened and exactly what you want, they are wonderful about working with you! Good luck!



answers from Indianapolis on

I would just keep working your way up. Demand respect and help... don't accept a coupon or free cut, you may encounter the same problem and soon you may not have any hair at all from all the "fixing" cuts. :) I would demand a refund and go get a new cut to really clean things up and even things out!



answers from Parkersburg on

I would go back to that place and make sure I talked to the owner. That was wrong and they need to fix it. I would ask for a refund of my money and make sure that anyone I talked to would know that they done you wrong and messed up your hair.



answers from Sioux Falls on

According to some of the mags one thing you should definately do is go in in persona nd show the manager how bad the cut is. They should also fix it for free as well as give you a different stylist for the fix. If nothing else I would demand the manager cut my hair her/himself. If you paid by check you may want to put a hold or stop payment on the check (depending on if you are that mad or not). Who knows if that stylist is one that has other complaints or not and if they did that bad a job perhaps they shouldn't be cutting hair!

Working in nursing I have fairly short hair (generally bobbed) so I am pretty picky anymore about how it looks (as well as having the dress code at work to deal with). Definately complain in person and if that doesn't get results start writing. I can tell you that sometimes getting the BBB involved can do a world of good.



answers from Indianapolis on

mastercuts is a chain operation go straight to the top!!!
Also they should at least give you your money back or a coupon for a free cut, not that you will want one from them, but go to the headquarters and give them the store and the ladies name and tell them that they did not even offer to compinsate you. Not even the manager offered to help, hello customers are always right, even with hair cuts!

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