Good Day Care in Maplewood, Saint Paul Area?

Updated on August 25, 2010
M.T. asks from Saint Paul, MN
5 answers

Hello, I am not very happy with the current home day care for my soon to be 1 year old son. There are 6-10 children to one adult and there is not enough supervision/monitoring of the children. Even for children older than 3 years old, there are no structured activities. Just free-play lead by the children by themselves, no promotion of skills or higher levels of play. The provider just responds to the children and prevents fights.

Since it seems like there usually is one adult in family child care, I am considering looking into centers, with more adults per children and with more learning curriculum. However, if there is a good family child care provider, that would be ideal. I am looking for a place that has warmth, serves healthy food (not french fries, chicken nuggets and pizza), and promotes learning but also allows for freedom and creativity for my curious and active son. A program that takes time to go outside and appreciate nature and seasons would be nice (but not crucial).

Please let me know if there are any good programs for infants-1 year olds and beyond! Thank you!

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answers from Minneapolis on

My family has been at White Bear Montessori School for four years now. We love it! They offer a parent/infant program one day per week and then starting with toddlers at age 16 months they offer an amazing education with before and after care in an enriched environment.



answers from Minneapolis on

I can't recommend a day care center, so look to the other posts.

When looking for another day care, here's something to consider:

Since you have a one-year old son, I highly recommend you (and all parents of boys) read a book called "Boys Adrift" by Dr. Leonard Sax. Or at least visit his website (google it). Young kids, especially boys, should be allowed to free play as much as possible. That means yes- some structure (like morning greeting, story time, lunch time, outside time, nap time), but we should actually avoid preschools that promote "rigorous academic learning" or do other overly structured things that are not developmentally appropriate.

Dr. Sax has a lot of wisdom (he's both a medical doctor of pediatrics AND a PhD psychologist, and he's been studing brain development of boys and girls. It's an easy read, and I got my copy from the St Paul Public Library.

I checked out the book because I had no brothers and I'm the only one in my family who has a boy. I had very little experience with little boy thinking (but learning every second!) Boys are different from girls and so I decided to learn how and why.



answers from Minneapolis on

It may be a little farther than your desired radius, but I love the daycare program/personnel at the Jewish Community City on St. Paul Avenue, just off W. 7th (half a block away from the Sibley Shopping Center). It's open to any faiths, though it does celebrate Jewish holidays (we're not Jewish, but I'm totally okay with my daughter learning about another faith's holidays - good values are good values). It's also bring-your-own-lunch, but provides snacks (no sugary stuff). My 2 year-old daughter started there two days a week last June, and she was in a group with 7 other children and two providers. Weather permitting, they have outside time. And, they provide a mix of structured activities and free play. She really loves "her" room, friends, and teachers. Their front desk number is ###-###-####.



answers from Minneapolis on

I highly recommend MapleTree Childcare Center. They are in Maplewood corner of Century Ave and Larpenteur. They have the most wonderful, caring staff and the children learn a lot. You do your own lunch which I always thought of as a plus. We have a 5 year old, 2.5 year old and infant there. My 5 year old will start Kindergarten in a few weeks and is well prepared thanks to the teachers at Mapletree.
Here is their website.
Feel free to contact me with more questions.



answers from Minneapolis on

My old daycare mom is looking for kids. She was a great daycare, but since my daughter started school last year my mom gets her off to school & my day picks her up. Her name is Maureen Hernandez ###-###-####. She does not take kids under 1 year- She does does do projects & teaches them things- she does serve good meals always with fruits & veggies. She does go outside a couple of times during the day as long as it is not raining or snow on the ground- she has a beautiful kid friendly yard & her house is very very clean. Good luck in your search!

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