If this guy won't support you going back to school, he will not be supportive of other decisions you make in the future. Period.
There is a HUGE amount of financial aid available for single parents. And I'm not talking only about loans. Grants are completely free of obligation. I used them for my entire undergraduate career. If you need to take out loans, don't hesitate. The interest rates are super low, and you don't have to pay them back until you graduate and are making money.
I do, however, question the decision to major in childhood development. I know that this makes it easier to run a home daycare, but, take it from me, your kids won't be young forever; and when they are all in school, do you really want to be caring for other people's kids? Also, this field is known for miserably low incomes.
I would meet with a career counselor at your school and ask what careers are available for you. The only field that is experiencing growth right now is health care; have you considered careers in that area?
Think of your future in the long term. I have been in school since my son was born (he's six now) but I know that when I graduate from pharmacy school I will be able to give him whatever he wants, with or without a man (for the record I AM married). Go for the most success you can possibly achieve. I venture to guess you will impress yourself, and probably your boyfriend as well.