I agree with everyone that said have SEX! It works. Besides it is fun and helps the hubby for the "wait".
So I am only a few days over my due date but I am so ready to have this little man. I have been doing a TON of walking and also trying to do nipple stimulation with my pump. I know that some women also use herbs like blue and black cohash but I also know that can be dangerous if not used correctly. I have been getting contractions through out the day that dont last very long and are getting more painful but nothing to serious.. Do any of you have any suggestions/???
THanks for all the advice ladies!!! I went to the docs on Wednesday afternoon and he stripped my membranes.. (really good) and i started having pains later that night and by yesterday at 11 45 he was born. Jaxon Will 8.5 20.5 inches long.. and you know..it wasnt that bad!! Praise the Lord.. giver of all good things!
I agree with everyone that said have SEX! It works. Besides it is fun and helps the hubby for the "wait".
I am two weeks from my due date with my fourth child. My first was 6 days late, my other two induced on their due dates. I tried just about everything that wasn't dangerous - sex, spicy food, raspberry tea, lots of walking. I didn't really want to be induced. However, nothing worked for me! I have not gotten a massage that late, though. I'd say that is worth a try whether or not it sends you into labor! Anyway, I write this not to discourage you, but to let you know that induction really isn't so bad (at least it wasn't for me). I hope you go into labor naturally! (I really hope I do this time, too!) But, if your doctor insists on induction, try not to worry too much about it. If you have a midwife, she may have something to offer you, too.
Congratulations on your new baby either way!!!
Have your husband hook you up with a prenatal chiropractor and let him work on your lower back. Take laxatives!
Well I definitely have to agree with having sex. Also I used castor oil with all three of my previous pregnancies and it worked for me, however I know it doesn't work for everyone. I started having regular contractions within 8 hours of taking it. I just mixed it with orange juice and chugged it (it is very nasty tasting). Good Luck
Sex worked for me, and my husband didn't mind since there was the "upcoming wait".
Get a massage!!! The day before my due date,I walked around La Cantera shopping mall(san antonio) and then stopped by one of those massage stations. I sat forward in one of those chair things and had my lower back rubbed professionally. It was heaven. That night I went to the hospital and my baby was born at 4 am that morning. On his due date! :) My midwife said the massage stimulated and onset my labor.
You might ask your Chiropractor or D.O. to help... there is an adjusment that can be done that will send you into labor. I believe it is the CB4??? If you need a D.O. who is familiar with it e-mail me... I was going to have it done myself, but our son beat me to the punch... our son and daughter are almost 15 months apart too!! What a surprise he was... and what a blessing!
If you can............. have sex! It really worked for me!
We did nipple stimulation with our first and with our second we used it when we had failure to progress in labor - it helped revive our contractions. Our midwife said it releases stuff into your brain naturally (whatever the artificial induction drug is). Hope your little one is in your arms :)