Good for you! I say go for it! I am a Doman baby and so are my boys. Reading is a breeze for our 4 year old in K-5. Math was a breeze for me in school. I never had to "learn" it. It just happened. Definitely keep with it! You'll never regret it. I know lots of other moms who have done it and been grateful. We've all taken lots of guff, too. My thought is that the differences aren't seen until pre-algebra. I never struggled at all with math. Maybe it was natural ability, but what if it wasn't? It didn't hurt me to have the info ahead! My mom did bit cards with me with lots of subjects. At 8 mos. she woudl give me a sentence that said "K. kissing Mommy" and I would do it as well as any another sentence. At 2 I told her a Carmengia was a Volkswagon. We have never talked cars. I "read" the logo. I love to read to this day and its very easy. I'd love to talk if you need more encouragement. Don't pay attention to the naysayers. They haven't read the books and don't know. Have fun with it!