Congrats on a job well done you made it to 11 mos when they didn't know what would happen at 11 days. At least that is my guess. God has blessed!!! Praise Him!!!
As for holding his sippy cup/bottle. My oldest always did. My youngest never did. I mentioned it to the MD after it was over and he said she probably just didn't make that connection. Trust me she eats/drinks today. I wish I had mentioned it to the MD sooner it would have taken away some of my worry. Oh, by the way I was much more concerned about the fact she was not picking up her head at 10 mos than I was about holding her bottle. Talked to MD about that, of course.
My advice "hold the bottle, and be thankful that is the only lag they see" Another idea that worked at about that age but I am not sure exactly when was a straw. They could both work them easily.
Today, mine is a college sophomore on the Dean's list for journalism. Just like the MD said "it will happen just give her time". She is a step learner. Leveling on one step til she has completely conquered the next. As opposed to her twin sister who continually walked up that slight incline as she learned. Both types of learners succeed. By the way, her twin sister is a college sophomore too, making the Dean's list in Fine Arts. Both were homeschooled and are succeeding in public colleges-- commutes and lives on campus respectively.
God bless you
K. --- SAHM married 38 years -- adult children 37,33, and twins 18. Born 3 weeks early, healthy. Praise God!!!