I had my tubes tied when I had my youngest via c-section. I had absolutely no complications and my recovery wasn't any different (if anything it was easier) than my first c-section.
After I have this 4th baby I was thinking of getting my tubes tied. I have to have c-sections, so it kinda seems like the easy thing to do. However I'm just wondering if anyone has hand complications due to having your tubes tied? Or any side effects? Any information would be great! Thanks Ladies.
I had my tubes tied when I had my youngest via c-section. I had absolutely no complications and my recovery wasn't any different (if anything it was easier) than my first c-section.
This has nothing to do with your question but I wanted to add an experience I had, that I wasn't prepared for. After my 3rd section, I was considering a tubal. After my surgery, my doc informed me that he couldn't have done a tubal, even if I had wanted one. I had so much scar tissue, that he couldn't get to my tubes, adhesions caused them to be "stuck" to my uterus & they were folded over onto themselves. Apparently, I didn't heal well. So, if you healed up nicely , this probably won't be a problem. I just wanted to add that because I was never told that could be a possibility.
None! I say do it with the c section that's what I did and it was so much better then 2 recoveries
I had mine done last year when I had my son. It took maybe 5 more minutes after his birth and that was it. I have not had any complications at all. I was told I did not have to watch for anything more than I would for a c-section for infection or anything like that. Of course, I guess anything could happen anywhere in our bodies at any time and everyone reacts differently but for the most part, I don't think you would have anything to worry about.
I had a tubal ligation nearly 40 years ago, not associated with childbirth, and it caused me no problems at all. It was associated with exploratory surgery of my abdomen, so I did need a few weeks' recovery time from the more extensive surgery. But I never regretted the decision.
As Diane B says, it's unclear why some women have hormonal issues after this surgery. There is no known medical reason why this would happen, because neither the ovaries nor any other source of hormones is directly affected by the fallopian tubes being cut or clamped closed.
Well I got my tubes tied during a c-section about 3 years ago and whether this is a side effect or not, I don't know but I'll tell you my thing. I have gained all this weight especially around my midsection. I look as if I'm 7 months pregnant. I attribute this to just not the tubal but I really think that it had something to do with it. Some say that this can happen and some say that it doesn't. I unfortunately say it can. Other than that, I haven't experienced any other side effects. Good luck.