Getting Baby to Sleep at Night

Updated on December 30, 2010
K.P. asks from Dover, NH
6 answers

Other than CIO, how do you get your LO's to sleep at night. My little guy is almost 14 months and I'm trying to change his nightly routine. He usually falls asleep in my or my hubby's arms while drinking a milk bottle. I just learned about bottle rot so I want to change this.
I do not agree with CIO (please save your arguments for this method. this post isnt about whether it's right or wrong). I would like to be able to put my DS to bed in his crib and have him just go to sleep.
Any tips?

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answers from Erie on

We co-slept with our kids until they were about 3yo, that's what worked for us.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Chicago on

there is a book called the toddler no cry sleep solution...i personally could never figure out those books. w co sleep and find that to be the best and easiest thing for our family. good luck!



answers from Honolulu on

The crib for my kids.... was made comfortable.... I put a lightly quilted blanket, UNDER the crib's fitted sheet. Because the crib's mattress is SO hard, hard as a rock.
Then we had the Fisher Price "Ocean Wonders" crib toy... and some baby safe stuffed toys in the crib with them.
My kids, slept good that way, in their cribs.... it was "cozy."
I'd also put a fan on 'low' for white noise... because my daughter would wake, even if the toilet flushed.

I also, when needed, co-slept with my kids. On a floor futon on our bedroom floor.

For you, you just have to try it.. and put him in the crib. There is no other way to get him into the crib... until you just try it.

For my son, I would also, before actually laying him IN the crib, hold him and sing 2 lullabies. The SAME songs, each time. It forms a 'cuing' for the baby.... that it is sleep time.

all the best,



answers from Houston on

I did cio with my oldest worked like a charm then the baby oh my god nothing worked not cio or anything. till he was about 2 and man was I exausted. I never did figure out the answer to this. :)


answers from Los Angeles on

We rock our almost 17 month old son to sleep and have done from the day we brought him home!

We rocked him in our arms until he was too heavy, then we lay his stroller flat, put some soft blankets in and lay him in it, wrapped in his favorite blanket. We roll the stroller back and forth until he's asleep then we bring him to bed when we're ready to sleep. His crib is a toddler bed as well. We took one side off and put it flush with our bed. He sleeps in his bed next to us! He rolls towards us if he needs warmth or a cuddle. It's perfect, we sleep so well!



answers from Columbus on

We co-slept for awhile & still do occasionally. When I thought that we'd transition our DD to her bed, I would stay with her. We started the same way-bottle of breastmilk til sound asleep. Then, I would lay her in her bed & sit beside it.
With our DS, we did the same thing in the beginning-bottle & rock to sleep. Then, when he was older (about the same as your's), we started diluting the bottle until after a couple of weeks he was on only water. It did get to a point that we gave him about 1 ounce of water & lay him down. He did great on falling asleep on his own. The bottle was more of a pacifier & was only used at night.

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