My 3yo started in on a picky, no veggie phase, but one time he had a really tough poop, and I put it to him straight...I told him that's why he needs to eat his vegetables, becasue they will go down in his tummy and mix with all the other food and help his poop come out easy without hurting. I remind him of that when he doesn't want to eat his veggies. Never thought I would allow that kind of discussion at the dinner table, but the reminder of that painful poop seems to do the trick. I almost died of embarrassment on night when we were eating out, though. He asked me if his corn on the cob was a vegetable. I told him it was and he (very loudly) said, "Oh good, cuz that will go in my tummy and help me poop!" The couple at the table behind us nearly died laughing.
I am also not a fan of hiding the veggies, but if you do want to hide them to get the fiber and nutrition in her, just make sure you continue to offer them on the plate as well, so she can try them at her will and know they are an important part of a healthy meal.
Also, if you want to offer a dipping "sauce", use plain sour cream instead of ranch dressing, ketchup, or other sauces tht have a lot of sugar in them. It is much healthier.