I conceived my first (a boy) on my first day having a positive ovulation predictor test. I had been off the pill for six months and BAM!
I breastfed my son for a long time and my husband and I wanted another child spaced pretty close to our first, but I just wasn't ovulating while I was breastfeeding. Once my son did wean, I tested for ovulation for a couple months, but I was getting stressed out about it and decided to take a break from the "science" of it all.
A couple months later, it was icy outside. I had a fall and was sore a couple days later. My husband suggested I take an Advil. I know Ibuprofen is counter-indicated in early pregnancy and we weren't NOT trying anymore. So I took a pregnancy test. It was positive. I am really not certain when I conceived or what that date would have been in relation to my ovulation. Here's where the science gets kind of interesting....
At my confirmation ultrasound, they discovered I was carrying twins! It was pretty early so I had to come back a few weeks later to get a better estimate of gestational age. At that ultrasound they determined Twin A's gestational age to be 9 weeks and 1 day and Twin B was 8 weeks 5 days. I did some research and the odds were, since they were fraternal twins judging from the separate sacs, that I had one boy and one girl "brewing." The difference in their gestational ages supported my hypothesis. Not so. BOTH girls!
I share to let you know, I did an extensive amount of research into the matter and was interested in tipping the scales in favor of our preferred gender, but sometimes science just fails. I am glad I didn't put in a lot of time and money buying books or nutritional supplements....
The question I would ask in your shoes is if you get pregnant and it is another girl, do you want to be able to tell your husband you two tried everything you could to make a boy, it just wasn't meant to be? Or do you want to just embrace a more natural joy in child-making and accept whatever you get?
Either way you choose is really between you and your husband. No outside influences can determine your path. Good luck to you.