the biggest thing that i'd like to warn you about is an after-effect. you will experience what my general practitioner has termed as "dumping". from what i have gathered side effects vary from person to person. but what happened to me is this: i eat a particular sort of food and within about 20 minutes of compeleting a meal i have abdominal cramping and i have to "go" immediately. thus i have to curb what i eat. yet it doesn't happen all the time, now. right after i had my surgery it was with anything and everything. I would eat maybe a delicious pasta dish and it would happen. at first i thought well maybe i'm eating too rich or greasy, spicy. but then i'd eat on the light side (salad, fruit, soup, etc.) and i would still have the same reaction. for a while anything containing peanut oil was my enemy. i seem to not necessarily have it under control, but i can predict how long until i have an "episode". so now if i'm eating out i know to stick around so i can excuse myself to the bathroom. after that i'm fine. it is a drag though. it's been over a year since i had my surgery and yes all this sounds bad, but i'll tell you this, when i watched my diet immediately afterward cutting out the processed greasy bad stuff it helped. he and there i get away from that and the episodes get worse. it even helped me shed a few pounds in the beginning. eating right will do that. so far as pain is concerned, everybody is different. the procedures that most surgeons are using today involve removing through your belly button and the scars are minimal. my advice: get a healthy diet plan in order. it will be mandatory right after your surgery, but it may do wonders to avoid certain situations later. GOOD LUCK!!!