Studies show that homeschooled children grow into productive members of society with no "awkwardness."
I would argue (and my kids do attend public school, but I'd homeschool if I could), that public school places limits on a child's potential. They pigeonhole children and make them into pliable "workers." That's how public schools are designed...and have been since the industrial age. I want my kids to retain their individuality, not be forced to be like everyone else because it's easier.
Here's an article based on a recent study: http://www.hslda.org/research/ray2003/HomeschoolingGrowsU...
It cites the study in the article, so it should be easy to find.
ETA: And I agree with Julie. Most publicly schooled students are NOT ready for college when they graduate high school. That's why so much tuition is wasted on remedial math, english, and science courses. Unless your child is taking AP courses, they'll have a hard time making it in college.