Hum, as a seasoned mother of a 19 yr who was never homeschooled and a soon to be 6 yr who is homeschooled. All I can say K. is that "I can tell the difference" I have to say since you asked our 'opinions' that I have to DISAGREE with Brenda !50%. Since everyone is entitled to their own opinions and with all due respect I will leave Brenda's comments alone but I will point out that today's children, and you might have seen this yourself, the lack of motivation, there is NO respect for the teachers or anyone in authority, it is a dog eat dog world out there amongst our children...
Today's homeschooling is NOT what it was 15-20 years ago! Not my any means. More and More 'educated' parents as most people attend college today, are homeschooling their children. Many too numerous to count STATE EDUCATORS such as yourself are now staying home to homeschool their own children.
Socialization, IS NOT THE PROBLEM anymore... someone who is still thinking that way is ASSUMING. Kids are involved more so in a wider variety of activities thus making them a well rounded individual. Yes, on occasion there will be SHY or withdrawn children. Gosh in this day in age I dont' want my child to talk to strangers. (period) Often I find people who find out we HS (Homeschool) are more curious as to what we do and when we do it.. Well when a child who is home can learn at his or her pace it builds confidence (which a lot of PS/Priv. School) children still lack. It also allows them to develop a desire to learn and have fun while doing it.
I also as I stated I can tell the difference... Let me explain that a bit further. I personally can SEE the difference in most but NOT all children that are HS. Many who are HS have the respect that other children that are not HS lack. They lack the respect of ANY and ALL authority.
HS don't have to 'impress' anyone they develop character and become self confident children that can get along with anyone despite an age difference.
Let me clarify, that NOT all HS families are the same that many are as different as the next. Remember diversity makes the world go around.
Many depending on where you live are so plugged in. I live in Louisville, KY and it is HUGE here. Many HS families are of diverse backgrounds and faiths. There is a huge 'Christian' HS community as well as a large secular HS community.
There is so much out there for HS the world is theirs.
Today's world is the way it is due to the LACK of FAMILY, meaning everything takes priority over family. Sure there is love and money but it takes more than that.
Look at the families of the 40's-50's-60's.. something they had we lack today.
I have to state that I love my children. I 'ENJOY' being around my children and they are my responsibility thus what I put into is what I will get out. I enjoy being with my children, we are close, they are NOT DEPENDENT but RATHER INDEPENDENT.
Want to know what makes me 'cringe' when I hear parents say 'I can't wait till they are back in school and out of my hair"
WOW, they can't stand to be around their own children? Why is that? They don't listen or have behavior issues... no respect.
Now, there are days when things don't go as planned or as smoothly as I would like them to, no one is perfect and we all have not so good days...I personally love teaching my child. I get to reap the benefits when she tells her dad or someone else what she has learned. We are not stuck learning a certain way I can teach her the way she learns best! We love hands on learning, of course we do our book work too. But many HS do a form of UNSCHOOLING and that is without books. I don't UNSCHOOL and don't know much about that form of HS. I do know that we are in our 4th year of HS and my DD is only going to be 6. Most of her peers started Kindergarten this year, we are doing First grade, as she is an accelerated learner, I suppose is the best way to describe her.
They can 'think' on their own and learn from their mistakes without ridicule or embarrassment. They aren't exposed to the peer pressure to be someone they are not.
They feel comfortable talking to adults and know how to be self disciplined when needed. To make good decisions, now keep in mind they are still in 'training' but most High School aged HS are that and so much more.
I wanted to point out one more thing, and some one made a statement about the children 'TALKING TOO MUCH"
I must say, that children talk as it is part of their personality. I attended a school building all of my life and that was many years ago, and I am a talkative person. Always have been and always will be. I have learned and the children may need to learn to have some discipline in knowing when to talk and when it is necessary to be quiet, that too comes with time and age. After all for some children both in school or HS the world revolves around them... not a good thing but a reality. So children who talk shouldn't be condemned or made to feel bad about it, they just need a gently redirection or one could say, is it a question about what we are talking about or can it wait? Maybe you being the adult could exercise more patience or give that gentle redirection. :)
As far as HS, no one knows your children like YOU. I am a firm believer that ONE must do what is best for YOU and YOUR family.
I know many question HS without a degree for those who haven't obtained one in the educational field but I have to beg to differ. When one goes to college (and college isn't for everyone) one has to have self discipline, motivation, be responsible and have time management as there are many distractions in college, we all know that.
I think the parent who is passionate about educating their child at home is just as good as someone with a different degree or no degree, do you know why? The passion and love for one's children motivates the parent into doing whatever possible for the children to succeed and become respectable citizens in today's world. If she feels comfortable about teaching something, then she will educate herself in order to provide the educational environment that is best for the child.
If she for whatever reason doesn't feel comfortable teaching a particular subject there are so many options for HS families today. For example there is a mom who is an Engineer and very good in Math. I know she tutors and teaches those who need the higher math areas that are needed for certain fields in college.
There are more "TEACHERS" out there teaching their children that what others think. IT is the NEW schooling Option and many are doing it.
It is one of our many freedoms in this country. So why not. :)
I am involved in a Educational Co-Op, involved in leadership in various other areas regarding HS.
It is about getting involved and plugged into your homeschool community.
I can go on and on and would love to share more with you.
You will hear the negative but if you want to get your questions answered and learn more go to
The Homeschool
Join and there are a ton of forums and something for everyone. There are HS families from around the world.
I am Creekermom there. :) Come on look me up.
BY the way, there are so many resources out their you can easily HS cheaply until you learn and find the curriculum that works best for you and your family. Remember you know your child better than ANYONE. :)
Good luck with whatever you decide, HS isn't for everyone but we Homeschool and love it!