No idea what scene hair/emo hair is?
French braiding tends to be neater/stay in place better when it's done with wet hair. It's been a long loong time since I've braided hair (my little sisters are all moms now and I was blessed with a son!) That's what I remember. Wet hair, if you want, finish off with a light spray of hair spray afterwards (I find that it can make the hair poke out more when it's pulled out if it's been sprayed and is all sticky. But I'm just in general not a fan of hair gunk anyway so maybe it's just me.)
As for the evenness/lopsidedness, it takes practice! You didnt say if you were doing it on your daughter's or your own hair. On yourself it's hard because your arms may pull it a different angle than you want it. But it can be done. :-) (practice practice practice!)