For Those Who Dont Celebrate Christmas...

Updated on December 16, 2011
M.B. asks from Clearwater, FL
15 answers

I was going to put together some treat bags for my sons kindergarten class, and i
Know some of the kids don't celebrate the holidays so if your child came home with a great bag would you be offended or upset in anyway? I plan on making them as generic as possible, like no Santa stuff. Or can you suggest something else I can do for the children i know dont celebrate? TIA :)
Added: I'm not doing candy bags, I'm talking about coloring books and crayons and stuff like that. And maybe a candy cane. Trust me I don't like getting bags of candy either. I end up eating it all!

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answers from Los Angeles on

No, I would not be offended at all. Even Santa stuff wouldn't bother me. The only thing I wouldn't like would be something with a religious message. My son would love the rest.

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answers from Anchorage on

I would never be offended or upset by my child getting a goodie bag, as long as there is no biblical literature inside. Once Halloween a parent gave out goodie bags that had a flyer inside about finding god. I was very upset by this because I feel any issues of religion are for the home. But if someone gave my child Christmas cookies, candy, ect I would think nothing of it. In fact. We celebrate Yule/Solstice, and most of our traditions are the same as those used by Christmas. I don't understand why some parents are so against goodie bags. Look back and remember when you were a kid, how happy and excited you were to receive one! I think the smile of a child is the best reward :)

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answers from Atlanta on

I'm with Jen C.! Thise of you so "anti-goody bag" - it isn't for YOU, it's for your kid! I delighted in treat bags as a child and I haven't met a kid yet who doesn't. So what if it's junky stuff? Do you not have the ability to tolerate it for two days until it breaks or your child no longer cares and you can trash it? Plus, coloring books and crayons are great!

I think M. B is being very thoughtful, and it's lovely. As others have said, stay away from religious stuff and it should be fine. Those joyless souls who can't let their kids enjoy a simple kindness can stick it!

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answers from Williamsport on

You're being very nice to be sensitive and do generic bags. If any Grinches don't like it, they can throw them away and go back to their lonely caves. There's no law against being nice at the Holidays! People who are offended by merry making of any kind or are picky about your treats have a little too much time on their hands.

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answers from Washington DC on

Santa,rudolph, frosty, the grinch even would be fine with me for a coloring book or something like that.

What I WOULD be offended or upset about is (as others have said) religious based stuff. Or bible verses (or any other religious texts verses). Religion is a personal thing and should be kept that way in my opinion and as someone else said does NOT belong in school.

But other than that my kids always LOVED getting goodie bags (now that they are out of elementary that doesn't happen anymore) and all the stuff that came with them. In fact I have on my desk still a pencil from one of their goodie bags :) it was just too darn cute to use :) so will probably end up in a scrapbook one of these lifetimes :)

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answers from San Francisco on

We're not Christian, and I am not at all offended by Santa, trees, lights, candy canes, and the like. It's a festive time of year, who doesn't love that? I think you have some great ideas, and the kids will be excited to receive a goodie bag like that!

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answers from Chicago on


This is just my opinion but I wouldn't do it and I don't say that b/c of religious reasons. I'm anti treat bags. It's just junkie stuff or junk food that they don't really need. We don't need anymore holiday pencils!! On Halloween and Valentine's Day, I understand the extra treats but every holiday doesn't need to be about "stuff". If you really want to do something for the kids, donate a book to the class or school library instead.

Sorry to be such a bummer!

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answers from Austin on

How about a book for each child? Many times they have them at the dollar store or the clearance bins or at half price books.

Surely these parents that do not like gifts at least like books for their children?

I used to give gloves. At that time Target had them for $1.99 a pair.

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answers from Miami on

Its a last day of school before winter break. The kids will love a little treat or prize to take home to remember the event. Crayons and coloring is great. Little puzzles are also great.

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answers from Tampa on

We do not celebrate Cchristmas - but mine would love a goody bag. As long as you leave out religious items and I also mean santa and rudolph - I think its great. Keep it seasonal (snowmen ect..) and it is a lovely thing to do.

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answers from San Francisco on


What are YOU celebrating and WHY? What does Christmas mean to you and your family?


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answers from Chicago on

My main request with the darn goodie bags is to STOP putting candy in them. Honestly, I just do not see the point of them at all anyway. I am not a huge holiday person, I do the family thing so they are all appeased but inside I am "Bah Humbug!" and keep saying to myself there are just too many gifts here and too much stuff all the kids are getting bratty about the gifts when will this ever end? So, if they do not celebrate the same as the majority of the population nothing would be best. In regards to offending people, it will happen you can not please them all.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Ask the teacher, in my experience those children will more than likely not be at school that day or leave early.

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answers from New York on

Can you come up with something else? Maybe just cards?

I just posted recently about all the junk we've gotten from goodie bags at birthday parties, and to be blunt yours would just feel like another bag of little stuff to get everywhere. Not for any religious reason, but because there's just too much stuff in the world!

Also, you are now setting the bar for the parents who didn't think of this - does this now have to be a new holiday tradition that everyone feels compelled to join in? I know you don't mean it that way, but that is what will happen.


answers from Dallas on

Dont do anything differant for them. The worst part of being a kid that doesnt celebrate Christmas is being differant than everyone else. I wouldnt do anything that highlights that

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