There is nothing at all wrong with co-sleeping, but I am of the opinion that babies can and should get used to being able to sleep anywhere.
I traveled a lot. My kids could sleep in the car, on a couch, in a play pen, on a relatives bed or in hotels with pillows and definitely in their cribs. I only have two arms, and trust me, my kids were held and cuddled and soothed and snuggled. They were very good sleepers and didn't HAVE to be in my arms or in my bed in order to sleep. My daughter was snuggly, but when it came down to sleeping, she didn't like being too close to anyone else. She got too hot and fussy. She slept much better on her own.
There are lots of safe ways for your little one to nap without you. Napping together is a great concept, but not always possible.
Get your little one used to napping on her own because it will make things much easier when you want to make other sleeping transitions.
Just my opinion.