First of all, tell me about not adjusting well to mornings. My son will be 2 on Sunday and I still can't get up and going in the mornings. Second, baby food is actually very nutrious, much more so than alot of prepackaged foods, so I wouldn't worry about her having it. Soon, she'll probably discover she doesn't like it as much, then you may have a problem. But as long as she's getting some real food, this is fine for now. Also, as a suggestion, I have to send all my son's food with him since he can't have any dairy. What I do is while I'm cleaning up dinner (mine), I just put some into little bowls for him to take the next day, then the next morning I grab the stack of 4 or 5 bowls out of the fridge and into his bag we go. The reason I mention mine, is I know there are days when I don't get home in time to make dinner and get him feed at a resonable time, and I like to play with him sometimes too. So probably 1-2 (some weeks more) he gets a toddler meal or something and I make dinner for us later. I just package his lunch from that meal, so he gets more real food. I hope this helps. You can get gerber bowls with lids at any grocery store or walmart, etc in the baby alise. If you get the bowls with the white/clear lids, don't put the lids in the dishwasher. The deeper bowls with lids in colors are fine. Hope this helps and if you need anything else, feel free to email me at ____@____.com luck and most important don't feel guilty, just do the best you can.