I make the majority of my 7 month son's baby food as well, but I have used jars on occasion. My son has not had any preference to a specific brand, however he absolutely hates any jar with bananas in it (it smells very different from homemade banana so I don't blame him). If you are concerned about pesticides, then I would go with an organic brand, but the non-organic is fine too. I would recommend reading the labels to make sure you aren't getting any fillers, sugar, or salt, which I'm sure you wouldn't normally add to the food. I would also recommend trying out the foods at home and not while you are traveling because when I gave my son jarred bananas we were at a restaurant and he had a complete (and unexpected) meltdown. Also, if you really wanted to continue to make his food, you can try one of those stick blenders. They are not very expensive and will not take up much room. By the way, since you most likely will not have all of your baby food supplies immediately after you move, you might want to look into some baby food brands in Germany . . . they are different.