First Time Use of TAMPONS!!!

Updated on April 04, 2007
L. asks from Arlington, TX
9 answers

Help! My 14 yr old daughter told me tonight that she wants to try a tampon. Last summer, she had said "I'll never use a tampon!" which was music to my ears!!! But now, she wants to try it... which I am all for it because she'll be less embarrassed about taking a pad to the bathroom at school and will also be able to swim. She has had her period since September 2005, so it's regular now.

When I first tried a tampon, my mom pretty much threw me a box and I sat in the bathroom for an hour with my brother pounding at the door and didn't succeed. I don't want to do this with my daughter... I want to help her succeed so that she doesn't get discouraged.

How did you learn to use your first tampon? How did you teach your daughter to use one? Suggestions please!!!

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answers from Dallas on

I just remember my mother showing me how it works and then advised me to practice in the shower. That way i was in a warm place where my body was realaxed and not all tinse. It worked. Hope this helps.

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answers from Dallas on

She's 14, most girls that age don't need a lot of hands on attention. I say sit her down, let her read the instructions. Ask her if she has any questions. Give her a hand mirror and some privacy so she can better understand those parts and see where it goes from there. She will tell you what she needs.

We are all different and you really have to gather information from your daughter to find out what she needs.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I remember that my mom bought me the smallest you can find. You know, the ones we use for ultra light days. It was easier for me to start with the small ones and wear a minipad with them until I was able to insert the size I needed. Don't let her assume that she needs "Super" right away. This is how a lot of women get serious using a tampon that's too big and dries out the vagina not allowing for the good bacterial growth to combat the bad ones. Also make sure she doesn't forget about it and leave it in too long...this is also a great risk for infection. I remember once leaving a tampon in for so long that it ended up so far up inside me that I had to go to my Gyno to get it out. I was soooooo embarrassed. But, I'm sure you know all of this. Oh, also, I would not recommend the scented tampons. They, too, can cause irritation which can lead to infection.

Good luck. I'll bet you're so proud of her.



answers from Dallas on

Ok from personal experience tell her to take both card board/plastic pieces out. If you don't it acts like a funnel and its to comfortable. No one ever told me that and man I wished they had.

The instructions that come in the box should help alot, so leave her to try it out but make sure you tell her Ok I'm going to be in the living room/kitchen you call me if you need anything. So she knows your there for her but not watching her like a hawk.



answers from Dallas on

My girls are not old enough for me to have to deal with this yet. However I will tell you I remember when my mom taught me. I was a competitive swimmer so from the first day I got my period I had to use a tampon. I remember my mom actually putting the first one in for me. I know it sounds kinda gross but I knew how to do it from then on. That is really the only suggestion I have. If you don't feel comfortable doing that I would at least take a tampon out and physically show her how to insert it, push it, etc. Good Luck.



answers from Dallas on

OK, my personal experience is that I had tried it before...I just didn't know how to tell my mom that I had snuck her's and tried them. So, like some of the ladies already mentioned, get the smallest ones, the plastic applicator, and some privacy.

I would take the instructions out and read through them with her...I remember that being so uncomfortable, but it also opened the doors to much more personal conversations with my mom which was good. My mom also showed me how to put it in with her hand. She made a fist and put it in like her fist was "the spot". I already knew how to do it, but had to play along and that is how she showed me.

I think someone else had mentioned this too but my best friend had to figure it out on her own and she actually put it in and didn't take the applicator out...she didn't know that it was to come out.

Good luck!



answers from Shreveport on

Most tampons come with a paper in the box that has instructions on how to use with illustrations that you can let her read. Or you can open one up and show her how it works. I was also one that had to figure it out.



answers from Dallas on

I never had anyone to help me on this and the first time I tried, I didn't get it in right and so I didn't try again for a while. then a friend gave me one of the OB tampons that do not have an applicator. You just push it in with your finger. I got it right on the first try. I used those for a while and then started using the ones with applicators. The ones with no applicator are way easier to use, but your finger gets yucky.



answers from Dallas on

Ugh. My first time had me in tears! My mom had never used one & didn't tell me anything. I read the directions & just did it. What a horrible memory! But, I guess, whether we're guided through it or not, we get through that first time & then it's fine.
I know this is too late for this time around, but if you haven't yet, I would suggest just reading the directions with her, letting her know it will hurt a little (you don't want to scare her to death!) & just letting her get through it privately.

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