I fed both of my girls on a routine. At this age they should be eating about every 4 hours-ish. Depending on your needs the routine could look like this:
7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm with a top up at 11pm. (or something like it that works for you)
I fed mine food first then nursed (or bottle in your case) three times a day (7am, 11am, 7pm). I allowed/encouraged them to eat as much food as they wanted, then would nurse them for a few minutes after, but they were usually pretty full and didn't nurse long. In your case you could offer formula in a sippy cup after/with meals. The 3pm feeding was just as they woke up from nap and I would nurse them then offer a snack (crackers, fruit, cheerios, yogurt, etc.), but this was a smaller 'meal'. At 11pm I would wake them and give them a quiet/dark top up nursing in their room to hold them 'til morning.
If you separate the bottles/sippy cups from the solid food, you will end up feeding them every 2 hours or so which is not really necessary. That kind of schedule encourages them to 'snack' and not really eat a full meal ever.
As far as what to feed them, at 10 months they can try just about anything. Just make sure you only introduce one new food every 3-4 days so you will know if they have a reaction. Peanuts should be last. At this age my girls ate scrambled eggs, cheese, yogurt, all fruits, all veggies (cooked soft, or baby food mixed with baby cereal to thicken), small pieces of chicken or other meat, mashed potatoes, pasta, etc. Pretty much whatever you eat. I didn't feed them pre-prepared foods like mac and cheese or hot dogs. Too many additives for me. I just fed them plain food. Their mac and cheese was pasta with shredded cheddar on top. :) One thing I did do was add mild herbs (tarragon, parsley, etc.) to some foods so they got used to the idea that food came with 'specks'. I remembered my nephews refusing to eat anything with 'specks' and wanted to avoid that. :)
I hope this helps!