I have been there...oh...SO MANY TIMES...and I can say my heart goes out to you. My son was born in 1990. LOTS of troubles while pregnant but he's here and healthy (for the most part, he asthmatic) and now, grown. We wanted another baby. So, it took us 8 years and 8 months to achieve my daughter. I went through LOTS of infertility treatments and lots of heartbreak. I learned a lot and one of those things is you CAN NOT get a false positive test. False negative, sure. But if the test reads positive, it's picking up HCG...it's there. It there's not enough and you are pregnant, you CAN get a false negative and need to test again. A positive is a positive. Period. Then you have the grieving portion of it all. I had multiple losses before, even one at 15 weeks and he had a name and a bedroom, clothes and a big brother who wanted him as much as his Mommy and Daddy did...but he's an angel. In May of 1999, God blessed me (us) with the spunky-est little girl I believe ever created...and I wouldn't change her for the WORLD! And, in October 1999, I had a complete hysterectomy. It WILL work out...just remember you are not in control...God is. I wished I had remembered that years ago. My daughter knows she has 2 brothers. Her one who helps with her homework and drives her to cheerleading and the angel one who never got to be born. I hope this helps.
I am a Working Full time, mother of 2 great kids, although one's grown, he lives at home, Hubby is in law enforcement and my mother also lives with us due to her health. (after typing all that, I'm glad I have all the support and help I do have!)