I agree with many other posters, while she may be willing, and you may be ready to give her more duties, developmentally speaking she's probably not ready to do small chores at a level that won't mean extra work for you. Even if it's seemingly simple. I think she's not old enough to really understand the value of taking responsibility let alone, the value of putting things away and caring for them. She's still in exploration-mode, and is probably better at making messes and doing cause and effect experiements instead of organizational tasks.
Until she's older, you should expect to be the primary "cleaner-upper" until she's about 4. Around 4, they seem to reach a milestone, and seem to be better able to take on cleaning up toys on their own with the understanding that it's a responsible and necessary thing to do.
But, with that said, I don't mean that you should always do everything for her either. If she shows initiative, let her "try" her hand at activities within reason. For examle, if she wants to fold her clothes (ball them up) and put them away in her drawer ( just stuff them in her dresser) let her. When she's not looking you can fix them up, and let her enjoy pride in her big girl accomplishment.
These are the important years where you can reinforce and establish good habits and expectations for the future. Don't expect perfection, and definitely expect doubling your workload. In years to come, you'll be happy you did. The extra work is well worth it, when you have a child that's eager to help around the house and please you with their accomplishments.
So in the months and years to come routinely encourage her to help you to put toys away, pick out an outfit for the day, help pick what to serve at dinner, or even help cook by pouring a measuring cup of a simple ingredient into the mixing bowl. Right now she's learning from watching you. When she sees you picking up, or tidying the house, she's learning this is how things are cared for, and done in the home.
If your question is coming from the thought that you shouldn't be doing things for her because she won't learn responsibility, I think many parents who complain that their older kids don't do anything to help around the house may have forgot to give their children "tiny" jobs, or failed to delegate age appropriate tasks all along as the child was growing up.
It's kind of unfair to suddenly change the rules on the child when they're older and expect them to suddenly take on responsibility if you haven't been giving them responsibility all along. It's also really hard to reinforce new habits when they're older. It's a growing process.
I think it's great you're already conscious of delegating responsibility. You and your child will be better for it when she's much older. However, right now, just look at cleanup or similar activities as small learning experiences, with the goal of eventually working up toward real responsibilities later.