At the risk of posting an unpopular opinion...
If dad doesn't have a job and isn't contributing financially, spending time with his child may be an excellent contribution. Too many people underestimate how important dad's are, for things other than a check.
VPK is not mandatory (thus the "V"...Voluntary,) nor does it even help the average kid get ahead. It's a little better than your average daycare, but still no comparison to time spent with an involved and engaged parent. If the dad truly doesn't think VPK is more beneficial than the time he is investing spending time with the child, this may actually work to his advantage in court also.
If your child knows his numbers, letters and how to tie his shoes, VPK isn't something he "needs." Time with his dad during what is likely a stressful period due to his parents being apart, is likely much more valuable.
As I said, I'm sure isn't the popular opinion. However, healthy relationships with both parents is always more important than strangers at daycare spending a certain number of hours per week with your child.