Double stroller...which Do You Prefer?

Updated on April 15, 2011
A.. asks from Overland Park, KS
10 answers

I will need to get a double stroller soon and I am not sure which one would be better, a side by side or a front to back. I can see the positives with both, so was wanting opinions from moms who have used both. Thanks moms!!

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answers from Kansas City on

I had front to back with two of my kids that were 14 months apart and it worked fine but mine had the seats facing so that was not as good as the one my daughter has for her twins which is front to back but both facing the front. They can 'bother' each other some but not nearly as bad as in the side by side one. That is if you have children who 'bother' each other and most do. It goes through doorways and doesn't seem to take as much room passing people in stores, etc.

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answers from Kansas City on

I think it depends on how long you're going to use it. Front and back is easy for stores and sidewalks and accomadates a carrier really well, but if you plan on using it once the baby gets older, I would do a side/side. Once the baby is old enough to sit in the stroller and possibly get out (although that wouldn't be til probably a year) both of your kids will want to have the freedom of seeing what's going on and getting in and out easily. My kids are exactly 2 years apart and I almost bought my own double, but luckily I borrowed one instead (just for the first 4 months or so), b/c I realized fairly quickly that I just didn't need the double. If you really need to buy one, I would consider the sit and stand as well. I know a few people who have one and really like it, and it would probably come in handy for me as well, but I still use the regular one seater Graco.

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answers from Phoenix on

If you're planning on taking it shopping or anything you have to get around turns and tight places, front to back. If you are using it mainly for walking/exercise outside side to side. I have a sit n' stand from Joovy and I love it. It turns really well in stores. I do agree with what someone else said, if you do a sit n stand the older can't sleep in the stroller and they need to be old enough to sit or stand and listen. (my kids are 3 yrs 8 mo apart) I think side to sides are a little more comfortable for both children but front to back are easier to handle.

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answers from Atlanta on

My kids are 3 years and 3 months apart and I used the Baby Trend Sit 'n Stand. It was great! Took it to zoo, mall, Disney.
But your oldest needs to be old enough to understand how to stand safely. And it won't work if you need both to nap in the stroller.

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answers from St. Louis on

Overall I prefer the side by side. Have had no issues getting through doorways. It is tough to go through clothing aisles, but since I never get to shop anymore - not an issue for me! My main issue is that the wheels aren't very big and it doesn't get through bumpy sidewalks very well. And that my kids can reach each other and steal each other's pacis all the time. :-)

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answers from St. Louis on

I have twins (2 yrs old) and I have the Baby Jogger City Mini Double stroller. It is a side-by-side and I love it!! We've had it from day one and it is very lightweight, it goes through the doors and aisles easily and it collapses easily to put in your trunk. I've taken it on many flights and it's great. It's not a cheapy (lucky for us people went in on it and gave it to us at our baby shower) but it's well worth the money.

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answers from Kansas City on

I have a front to back and like it. I've never had any problems. It's the Sit 'n Stand.

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answers from New York on

Front back without a doubt. So much easier to handle.

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answers from Wichita on

For our twins we had the one "where one child is in front of the other. I took this to the doctors office, mall, everywhere. There is no way I could have gotten through doors, through racks of clothes, etc with a side by side. So, it depends on where you will use it. If it's just for the park, walks or the zoo, either one would be fine, depending on how they fit in your car.
My kids had no problem getting in and out of the stroller once they were able to. We often took the tray off and they could climb right in. The back seat was higher than the front so both could see fine.

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answers from Dallas on

I just had my third child on 12/29, and at first I thought I did not need a double stroller. Then I took all three kids to the park. My middle one is three and a half. She is not reliable enough to not run in the parking lot, etc, so I needed the double for times I am out in public with all three of them - mall, festivals, park, walks, etc. I thought I was getting the sit and stand, but I ordered the sit and stand deluxe. I thought that meant it came with canopies, cup holders, etc, which it did, but it also came with a second seat. At first I was amazed at how big it was, but I am really glad to have the second seat because the three year old still gets tired, wants to sit down, etc. The baby's car seat fits on the front. Once the three year old is bigger, the rear seat comes off, and it turns into a traditional sit and stand.

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