Is she going to find another job? I think that if she did, the group coverage would pick up where her old coverage left off.
My mom worked for a plant for 8 years, then the plant shut down. They gave her the option, find another job, or go to school. She chose to go to school because this was the second time a plant shutting down cost her a job, and she didn't want it to happen again. Not even two months later, she found out she had breast cancer. Luckily she qualified for Medicaid, but just barely.
So her treatment is being covered.
This is why I get so mad when people bash everyone on Medicaid and Medicare. My mother worked for 30 years full time, paid all of her taxes, paid for health care the entire time she worked. But you know I guess none of that matters. People just want to scream about her being a "free loader"
I would have them contact Medicaid, and see if they qualify.